90 Miles From Tyranny : Thomas Massie Catches The Government Double-Dipping From The Taxpayer...

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Thomas Massie Catches The Government Double-Dipping From The Taxpayer...


Massie On Biden Unconstitutional Tyranny...


  1. China joe is one of the assholes that put up the bill to tax up to half your SS. He got his ,Fuck you.

  2. Now let's see someone propose that younger people be allowed to opt out of SS altogether. No SS tax, no benefits. Might be interesting to see how many are willing to keep working to finance other people's retirements.

  3. Remember, your employer matches your SS contribution of which you are not taxed. I am taxed on 50% of my SS that I receive now that I am retired. And don't worry, SS will not go broke - they'll just print more money. You'll still get your $2K per month, only it will cost $100 for a loaf of bread.

  4. Write his name in in 2024 he would clean a lot not all of the bullshit up. They would have to hand count all the ballots with real witnesses which would slow the system way down which would be good.

  5. If someone had offered the percentage to put into my own investment planning when I was 50 I would have jumped all over it. 12.4% would add up quickly, and don't get confused you pay both halves, your employer just adds that to the cost of hiring you, along with all the other HR burdens a full time employee incurs like 401k match money, vacation time, insurance benefits, and other expenses. That is money you don't get to see or touch. I bring my own benefits to the table when I interview allowing me a certain latitude in that area. I have health insurance through the Guard, and vision and dental as part of my retirement package from another employer, this allows me to squeeze for more per hour, as all my expenses excluding the 401k match are hourly with lower hidden costs.
    Now I think after paying in for 40years I'm owed a little somethingsomething when I hit that 62,I've got the obligation to retire, at 60 I've got the option to punch out


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