90 Miles From Tyranny : Trends Forecaster: 10 Per Cent Chance of “Civilization-Ending Global Nuclear War” Within a Year

Monday, March 7, 2022

Trends Forecaster: 10 Per Cent Chance of “Civilization-Ending Global Nuclear War” Within a Year

The end of the world as we know it?

Investment trends forecaster BCA Research says there is a 10 per cent chance that a “civilization-ending global nuclear war” will occur within the next 12 months.

Yes, really.

The doomsday prediction was made by BCA Research global chief strategist Peter Berezin in a research note titled Rising Risk Of A Nuclear Apocalypse.

Berezin writes that “the risk of Armageddon has risen dramatically” because Vladimir Putin has committed himself to regime change in Kiev at all costs.

There is now an “uncomfortably high 10% chance” of a global nuclear war due to a number of exacerbating factors, including the collapse of the ruble, which could lead to a plunge in living standards and foment an internal revolt against Putin.

“A quiet retirement is not an option for him,” writes Berezin.

“Although there is a huge margin of error around any estimate, subjectively, we would assign an uncomfortably high 10% chance of a civilization-ending global nuclear war over the next 12 months,” he added.

The strategist says that even if world war is avoided, markets will likely experience a “freakout moment” similar to the hit they took as a result of...

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  1. I would pay no mind. Anyone who confuses nuclear war for Armageddon is no one worth listening too.

    Tell me if you haven't heard the notes of hyperbole fly from the lips of prognosticators.

  2. When you do not believe in God, as Putin and many, many others today, you therefore believe there will be no accounting of the deeds you do in this life. If powerful old people do not get their way, they may decide to take everyone out.

  3. I'd say they are grossly underestimating the chances. I'd put it closer to 50/50.


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