90 Miles From Tyranny : Biden opens the Title 42 gates – prepare for madness

Monday, April 4, 2022

Biden opens the Title 42 gates – prepare for madness

A World Atlantic Airlines airplane lands at Westchester County Airport last night.

As if the border crisis isn’t damaging enough, with 2.5 million illegal migrants having crossed into the United States since Joe Biden took office, now the administration is going to make it exponentially worse by unwinding the last Trump-era ­restriction.

The Title 42 policy, implemented by the Trump administration during the pandemic to allow border officials to quickly expel migrants on public health grounds, will be terminated next month, the CDC announced Friday.

Title 42 was the last tool that border officials had to stem the flow of illegal migration from more than 150 countries across the southern border. Now they are anticipating a doubling or tripling of numbers, to as many as 18,000 a day.

We know what that means: more secret migrant flights fanning out from the southern border to a town near you.

Already, charter flights to White Plains airport in Westchester have started again, after a hiatus following The Post’s report last October revealing migrant planes landing in the middle of the night several times a week and unloading hundreds of migrants, claimed to be children, to be spirited away on buses to locations around New York and neighboring states.

A World Atlantic Airways plane thought to be bringing illegal migrants from El Paso, Texas, via Oklahoma City, Okla., landed at White Plains airport at 11:13 p.m. Sunday.

Unlike when The Post observed migrant flights last October, this plane was hidden on the far side of the tarmac, outside Ross Aviation East, after it landed so it was not possible to see passengers alighting.

The airplane took off from Oklahoma, landing in Westchester last night. It was believed to contain immigrants from the southern border whom the Biden administration is settling in the country by bus.

But, as before, there were three charter buses, which met the plane and left around 12:20 a.m.

The buses traveled through White Plains, heading west on Interstate 287 at 70 miles an hour before splitting up. Two headed south toward New York City and one headed north toward Albany.

Unlike last year, the planes that have been landing at White Plains the last few weeks have been arriving before the airport’s midnight curfew, and there are fewer each week. They are stopping en route, in cities like Houston, Texas, and Oklahoma City, as opposed to Jacksonville, Fla., where The Post observed them last year disgorging migrants.

Charter buses leave the Westchester County Airport.Christopher Sadowski

Publicly available flight data show World Atlantic Airways charter planes began landing again in White Plains in late February.

On February 25, March 11, March 19 and March 21, World Atlantic Airways flights from El Paso flew to White Plains via Houston, arriving between 7:59 p.m. and 9:21 p.m.

On March 4 and March 26, World Atlantic Airways planes flew from El Paso to White Plains via...

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