90 Miles From Tyranny : FL Senate Sets DeSantis Up for 3 Major Victories in One Swoop - Disney Crippled, New GOP Districts Created, Dem Gains Erased Across Country...

Thursday, April 21, 2022

FL Senate Sets DeSantis Up for 3 Major Victories in One Swoop - Disney Crippled, New GOP Districts Created, Dem Gains Erased Across Country...

Wow! It’s a triple crown, a triple play, a triple threat, whatever you want to call it.

Take heart, conservatives, Ron DeSantis is showing how it’s done. Three ways from Sunday, triple metaphor fans.

In a short time, DeSantis has poked the big bad mouse, has had Florida’s Senate redistrict the state to create four new Republican-leaning Congressional districts and has helped set back national Democrat gains.

Send this guy to Washington, some say. Or maybe he should stay in Florida to provide an example to other states.

Whatever this guy is drinking, all conservatives should have some.

Item One: What governor in his right mind goes after one of the state’s major employers, a major conglomerate with a worldwide media reach?

Fed up with immoral lobbying and the transgender advocacy of the Walt Disney Company, DeSantis Wednesday got the state senate to remove the corporation’s unique political status.

Orlando’s Walt Disney World is more than just the name of a destination resort in Florida. It is a world unto itself — politically, at least — and DeSantis is going after it.

In the late 1960s, when Anaheim, California-based Walt Disney was seeking a site for an eastern theme park, his company, in addition to quietly buying up land in the Orlando area, created the Reedy Creek Improvement District.

With the blessing of the state, when the new park opened in 1971, the Disney-controlled district would take care of all municipal services for it, according to the district’s website.

But DeSantis this week said the current state legislative session would go beyond Congressional redistricting and go after Reedy Creek.

“I am announcing today that we are expanding the call of what they are going to be considering this week and so, yes, they will be considering the congressional map, but they also will be considering termination of all special districts that were enacted in Florida prior to 1968 and that includes the Reedy Creek Improvement District,” he told a Tuesday news conference.

The Walt Disney Company — in total contradiction of nearly a century of upholding a reputation as a family-friendly entertainment company — opposed DeSantis’ advocacy for and signing of The Parental Rights in Education bill prohibiting the teaching of sexual orientation and identity concepts to kindergarten through...

Read more: HERE


  1. When you've got the power, you use it.

    Are you listening McCarthy?

    1. 100% agree.
      Need pub war leaders to take it to the dems.

  2. Hopefully Constitutional Carry passes this year for the WIN! *crosses fingers*

  3. I fear his phenomenal success is painting a target on his back. I really do. I was thinking today, imagine Disney, The Cruise industry, Hollyweird, all found a way to effectively boycott the state or move their services somewhere else. It could create a huge deficit. I hope that logistically not possible but I wouldn't put anything past the left. BTW, we just got Constitutional Carry in Georgia. About time.

    1. Fear not! Dollywood is very pro-Christian, Pro-family, none of that woke nonsense... smashing attendance records every year.
      The country is self-segregating. Can't buy a house here for love nor money.

  4. You're right about him making himself a target, rayvet.
    The only thing I don’t like is the redistricting. Gerrymandering is a poor way to win... that being said, the dems would do it too if they were in power, so there really is no "higher road" argument to be used anymore. I think that day is behind us from here on.


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