90 Miles From Tyranny : ICE to release 600,000 illegal aliens by September...

Sunday, April 24, 2022

ICE to release 600,000 illegal aliens by September...

ICE is getting ready to release as many as 600,000 illegal aliens into communities before the end of September, the agency told a federal judge, giving an early estimate of the chaos the administration is predicting after it ends the Title 42 pandemic border shutdown.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement revealed the figure in a court filing dealing with how it plans to handle illegal alien children who arrive as part of the surge.

Deane Dougherty, ICE’s juvenile coordinator, wrote in the filing that the Homeland Security Department expects a “historic border surge, with projections forecasted to triple current arrivals.”

The coordinator said ICE expects to catch and release more than 3,000 illegal immigrants from the border every day, up from 774 a day in March.

“Given these forecasts and the recently announced decision to end Title 42 next month, ICE must shift its focus and prepare to manage its resources for a population of up to 600,000 by the end of the fiscal year,” the coordinator said.

The fiscal year runs through Sept. 30, meaning ICE expects to release more than 100,000 people a month between now and then.

Homeland Security has predicted it will catch as many as 18,000 people a day crossing the border. Many of those are likely to...

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1 comment:

  1. The Dems need those names in the Red states to use as voters come November.


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