90 Miles From Tyranny : It’s Not Just Joe Biden. The United States Has A Potemkin Government

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

It’s Not Just Joe Biden. The United States Has A Potemkin Government

Joe Biden is a symbol of the entire federal government: Its dangerous incompetence, corruption, and utter disrespect for the American people and the rule of law.

Joe Biden’s shameful performance at the White House Easter egg roll Sunday was another strong visual indicator that he is not really governing this country. And he’s not the only sham authority in this country — our nation is replete with them.

The term “Potemkin village” arose in Russia to describe empty buildings set up as propaganda, to give a false impression of industry and life. The fake villages were intended to hide the regime’s mass mismanagement and infliction of suffering upon its own people.

In 1949, The New York Times described Moscow as a “Potemkin village” because its apparent vitality and strength, artificially boosted to both provide the corrupt elites a comfortable place to live and foreign visitors a misleading portrayal of the nation, was “unrepresentative” of the typical Russian’s everyday life under Joseph Stalin.

The phrase was allegedly named after Grigori Potëmkin, an imperial Russian military official who reportedly first deployed the tactic. (Soviet “history” is untrustworthy, especially when it appears to blame-shift evil deeds onto monarchs and capitalists instead of national socialists.) According to CIA archives, the Soviet Communists widely deployed the deceptive tactic, of course.

The glorious Oxford English Dictionary gives examples of the term being used to describe everything from political situations to personal libraries. It dates the origin of the term to 1787, and today defines Potemkin as: “Sham, insubstantial; consisting of little or nothing behind an impressive facade.”

That is precisely what the U.S. federal government has been now for many years.

Political historians such as Christopher Caldwell, Ronald Pestritto, and Thomas G. West have explained the causes and details of American government becoming less American and less government. This is not the place to reprise those studied arguments. It is, however, the place to note that the U.S. federal government has clearly and openly become a total farce.

This is not just in the symbolic farce of regime actions such as placing a man who claims to be a woman in charge of what is supposed to be a health agency, and installing into the presidency a man whose incompetence is so dangerous to...

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