90 Miles From Tyranny : Biden likely to avoid IRS audit that could’ve revealed if he made money from Hunter’s deals

Friday, May 6, 2022

Biden likely to avoid IRS audit that could’ve revealed if he made money from Hunter’s deals

Creepy Joe Biden is likely to avoid an audit that could reveal whether he made money from his son Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings — because the Internal Revenue Service has rejected a whistleblower complaint that alleged he owes at least $127,000 in taxes, The Post has learned.

The IRS allows people to inform on fellow taxpayers and win a slice of the proceeds — prompting Chris Jacobs, a former Republican staffer on Capitol Hill, to submit complaints against Biden and his accountant, though he said he didn’t want any financial reward.

Jacobs shared with The Post a reply from the IRS titled “denial” that explained that the government didn’t use his information.

Tax law expert Bob Willens, who teaches at Columbia University’s business school, said the rejection means Biden is likely to run out a three-year statute of limitations, meaning Republican claims that Biden owes up to $500,000 in taxes are unlikely to be resolved.

“It looks like the question of whether the president underpaid his Medicare taxes will never be aired,” Willens told The Post.

The dispute concerns more than $13 million that Joe and Jill Biden routed through S corporations in 2017 and 2018 to avoid paying a 3.8 percent Medicare tax on most of the haul by declaring a small part of it as “salary.” Many wealthy people use S corporations to lower their tax bills and the IRS pursues relatively few cases of lowballing the amount of income that counts as taxable.

The income is believed to be linked to Biden book sales and speaking fees after he left office as vice president. Experts say income that is the direct result of a person’s labor generally should count as subject to the Medicare tax, and ethics experts are calling on Biden to reveal the precise sources amid scrutiny of the president’s links to his son Hunter Biden’s overseas business relationships.

Jacobs did not specifically seek information on the first son’s links to his father, but an IRS audit would necessarily require a review of how Biden earned various income streams.

University of Minnesota law professor Richard Painter, who was chief White House ethics lawyer for President George W. Bush, told The Post recently that without the corporate returns, “you don’t know where the money’s coming from.”

“This exactly why it’s better to disclose — then every card is face-up on the table,” he told The Post last month. “Otherwise, people have no idea what’s in there … and that undermines public confidence in...

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  1. Oh wow, a crooked politician escapes punishment for their crimes.
    Shocked, I say, I am shocked!

  2. Substitute the name Trump, and see where it goes.

  3. Evidently President Trump will have a huge cleanup to do after the next elections, not to mention that he will inherit a broke country. On day 1, Trump should nullify all the executive orders Biden signed until now, and release the Jan 6 prisoners. On day 2, Prosecute all enemies of the state; Pelosi, Schiff, Shummer, Biden, Obama, Clinton, Nadler, Soros, etc and seize their estates. That will pay for the Jan 6 prisoners who will seek compensation. On day 3, Let President Trump do what he does best; restart the economy the best he can considering that at that time, the USA will be in a critical economic crisis. On day 4, open season on Antifa. Capture and bring to justice all these domestic terrorists and make an example of them all.

    1. x2 - Also eliminate the month long single day voting bravo sierra (sorta like "2 weeks to flatten the curve 2 years"). Aside from absentee ballots or typical hand count ones, IF tally's aren't in by 10:00pm for each precinct, any votes received thereafter are nullified. And no internet connection for any electronic voting system.

  4. Biden made $13M after he was vice president from BOOK SALES & SPEECHES. Give me a fucking break. He can't draw flies with a full diaper and they're running that up the flagpole???

    Like that great meme says, if they treat us like this when we have 100s of millions of weapons, just imagine.

  5. If he were Republican there would be no issue having him prosecuted for his tax bill. Dems skate all the time.


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