90 Miles From Tyranny : DOJ unveils new Office of Environmental Justice

Saturday, May 7, 2022

DOJ unveils new Office of Environmental Justice

Biden's Department of Justice said the Office of Environmental Justice will be a 'central hub' for advancing the administration's efforts

The Department of Justice announced the creation of a new Office of Environmental Justice that will serve as a "central hub" for the department's efforts to advance its "comprehensive environmental justice enforcement strategy."

The new office within the Department of Justice was announced on Thursday by Attorney General Merrick Garland and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan along with stating a "series of actions" that will be taken to "secure environmental justice for all Americans."

One of the objectives of the newly formed Office of Environmental Justice is to work with the Environmental Protection Agency and other federal investigative agencies to "develop or enhance investigatory agencies’ protocols for assessing the environmental justice impacts during investigations."

As part of the series of actions announced on Thursday, each U.S. Attorney’s Office is being tasked to designate an environmental justice coordinator within their office, who will then identify "areas of environmental justice concern" in areas within their district. The environmental justice coordinator will also be tasked with creating and publicizing a procedure for individuals to report environmental justice concerns.

U.S. Attorneys and other Department of Justice components are also being encouraged as part of the plan to create "environmental enforcement task forces" that can be used as a tool to pursue environmental justice enforcement matters, according to the series of actions announced.

Garland said that the new Office of Environmental Justice will "prioritize the cases that will have the greatest impact on the communities most overburdened by environmental harm."

"Although violations of our environmental laws can happen anywhere, communities of color, indigenous communities, and low-income communities often bear the brunt of the harm caused by environmental crime, pollution, and climate change," Garland said. "For far too long, these communities have faced barriers to...

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  1. another government department which will not ever be eliminated. more bureaucrats we can't afford. more regulations and rules we do not want or need.
    guess it's really true that the business of government is to grow government.

  2. Another way for the USG to fuck over White People, using made up excuses. Want environmental justice? Go after the Fortune 500 crowd that has polluted the entire planet, for the almighty dollar.
    So will they help the people of Vietnam, who we fucked over with Agent Orange? Or the vets that have been dying from exposure to the same?
    What bout the people of Iraq who we poisoned with Depleted Uranium from the two wars for Israel against that nation?

    No that won't happen, white ppl will get blamed for some shit that the DOJ will use to further destroy our race.

  3. getting worse and with 33 months possibly left to go.

  4. Enough of this SHIT, time to lock and load....or is this disinformation.

  5. Bahahhaa, fcking clown world.
    Point, laugh, and ridicule them. They are the only ones taking them seriously. Make sure they know that, it infuriates them to no end.


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