90 Miles From Tyranny : Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #395

Friday, May 6, 2022

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #395


Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #394


  1. The sad part is most rather have the free stuff. I know this because where I work they were giving away free mask to anyone who went and got the shot and they also had a raffle for a year of free parking in front of the gate or $ 5, 000 and a w.eek of PTO if you went and got the shot. Guess what the first one not much went " we are only 40% vaccinated" but the latter a bunch of people went and from what I heard where I work it is " We are now 93% fully vaccinated."

  2. The raffle was much later in the year when Biden made the mandate and people was submitting exemptions was when they started the raffle. They realized that all these people will have to be put somewhere else and we won't have the workers to do the job.

  3. Gates 266,000+ acres doesn't even break the Top 10 of the biggest land owners.

    Meet America’s top 10 land barons, who collectively own more than 13 million acres across the country



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