90 Miles From Tyranny : Woke CEOs Begin to Panic as they Discover That Over 80% of Americans Side with FL Gov Ron DeSantis

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Woke CEOs Begin to Panic as they Discover That Over 80% of Americans Side with FL Gov Ron DeSantis

Over the past several years, many of the country’s largest corporations have decided to promote left-wing political values.

Gillette condemned “toxic masculinity.” Nike supported Colin Kaepernick’s anti-police rhetoric, and Disney condemned Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education” bill — to name a few examples.

Some conservatives — most notably Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — have decided to fight back, however, which has led the CEOs of many such companies to rethink whether or not they should be focusing on politics.

Well, a devastating new poll seemingly confirmed what many such CEOs may have feared: Americans are sick and tired of being lectured to.

According to the unreleased poll, which was conducted by The Trafalgar Group and shared with The Western Journal, 87.1 percent of American voters are “likely” to “stop using a product or service of a company that openly advocates for a political agenda they disagree with.”

This position is incredibly bipartisan.

The results indicate, 82.6 percent of independent voters, 84.5 percent of Democratic voters and 93.4 percent of Republic voters all report as likely to abandon such products or services.

Sponsored by Convention of States Action, the poll surveyed 1080 likely voters in the 2022 midterm elections from April 24 to April 27. It had a confidence level of 95 percent and a +/- of 2.99 percent.

This confirms many fears that have been circulating amongst American CEOs, according to a recent report from the Wall Street Journal.

A number of CEOs, sources and other insiders at various American companies told the Journal that many companies are now afraid of becoming “the next Disney.”

In recent years, Disney has become...

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  1. let's not forget that the Target stores and Disney have come out with their own lines of LBGQRT, or whatever, line of clothing for toddlers. WTF !

  2. The other 20% have been proven to be absolute morons, likely unsuited for survival without constant attention.


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