90 Miles From Tyranny : After Muslim Mob Stoned Christian Woman to Death, Persecution Watchdog Has Message For Biden

Monday, June 6, 2022

After Muslim Mob Stoned Christian Woman to Death, Persecution Watchdog Has Message For Biden

A persecution watchdog is warning the Biden administration’s decision to remove Nigeria from the U.S. State Department’s Countries of Particular Concern could have dire ramifications for Christians.

The U.S. government has been under increased scrutiny over its decision last year to remove Nigeria from the list. Renewed critique emerged this month after a Muslim mob reportedly fatally stoned Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu, a 25-year-old Christian college student, on May 12.

Experts ponder why Nigeria was removed as persecution intensifies inside the African nation.

“We’re puzzled by this,” David Curry, CEO of Open Doors USA, told CBN’s Faithwire of the designation change. “Because nothing has gotten better in Nigeria. It continues to get worse.”

Curry said removing the designation — which pinpoints nations with severe religious freedom violations — could cause more calamity and persecution. Watch Curry’s message to President Joe Biden and other U.S. leaders:

“To take Nigeria off the Countries of Particular Concern list for no apparent reason seems purely political, and, unfortunately, Deborah Samuel and others will lose their life because that pressure was eased,” he said. “I would say the Nigerian government has done nothing to resolve this problem.”

Curry continued, “They do not sufficiently protect these civilian soft spots like churches … because the government of Nigeria has done nothing, we should raise the pressure on them and put them on the Countries of Particular Concern.”

He said the U.S. did list Nigeria for one year before removing the designation and that the Biden administration did not offer a concrete explanation for the removal, factors that add to the...

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