90 Miles From Tyranny : January 6 for Non-Dummies

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

January 6 for Non-Dummies

The January 6 committee is pure political theater intended to crush the MAGA movement once and for all.

During another public hearing on Monday, the January 6 select committee featured a witness so irrelevant that his appearance should prompt even the most ardent defender of Nancy Pelosi’s illegitimate inquisition to question the committee’s real purpose. Former Fox News talking head Chris Stirewalt, fired by the network shortly after the Capitol protest for calling the state of Arizona for Joe Biden early on election night, told his sob story to a presumably slim viewing audience.

The washed-up commentator, however, is the last person with any insight into the events of January 6, 2021. Stirewalt’s performance—similar to the overwrought speechifying by committee members last Thursday—is another headfake designed to turn attention away from the truth about what happened that day and in the months leading up to the brief disturbance that resulted in the deaths of four Trump supporters.

A well-oiled fog machine operated by the Department of Justice, congressional Democrats, NeverTrumpers, and the national news media is once again pumping lie after lie into the body politic in a last-gasp attempt to destroy Trump and the powerful political movement he created.

For nearly 18 months, American Greatness has covered this issue like no other outlet. So, as the committee continues its dog-and-pony show on Capitol Hill this month with an eye toward producing a long list of legislative “fixes,” the Justice Department inexorably moves to criminally charge Donald Trump for his alleged involvement, and the media takes another extended nap on its purported fact-checking duties, American Greatness here provides the definitive list of what people need to know about January 6, 2021, and related hype.

Congress and D.C. city officials, not Donald Trump, were responsible for protecting the Capitol: It is the primary duty of the Capitol Police board—made up of the sergeants-at-arms for the Senate and the House and the architect of the Capitol—to secure the sprawling complex. The federal police force, with a budget of more than half a billion dollars, employs at least 2,000 officers and houses numerous bureaus, including an intelligence unit; the Capitol building should have been well-protected on January 6 during a controversial joint session of Congress with Vice President Michael Pence presiding.

But Paul Irving, Nancy Pelosi’s sergeant-at-arms at the time, and Michael Stenger, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s sergeant-at-arms, repeatedly denied requests by the Capitol police chief for extra help days before the Capitol protest. As the chaos unfolded that afternoon, Irving and Stenger continued to delay numerous pleas to deploy the National Guard. Although more than 1,000 guardsmen were stationed at the D.C. armory on the morning of January 6, they were not summoned to...

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  1. The uniparty think they crushed the TEA Party.
    They didn't.
    It went underground and grew waiting for the right leader to emerge.
    We owe a debt of gratitude to Jenny Beth Martin.
    It became MAGA and it will become something else later.
    The yearning for Liberty is in America's DNA.
    IF we cease to become a nation the spirit of America will live on in every heart that wants to be free.

  2. Only problem is, which is not a problem, the viewers of that bullshit are not magatarians.


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