90 Miles From Tyranny : ‘Queer Ethics Professor’ Calls For Pedophilia To Be Destigmatised And Taught In Schools

Friday, June 17, 2022

‘Queer Ethics Professor’ Calls For Pedophilia To Be Destigmatised And Taught In Schools

Claims that a significant “percentage of high school students have an innate pedophilic sexual identity”

A so called ‘ethics professor’ from Norway has claimed that pedophilia should be classed as an ‘innate sexuality’ and taught in schools.

Yes, really.

Reduxx reports that Ole Martin Moen from Oslo Metropolitan University is calling for the ‘destigmatisation’ of pedos, claiming that “the mental state of finding children sexually attractive is very common.”

Moen, a gay man who identifies as “queer,”also claims that a significant “percentage of high school students have an innate pedophilic sexual identity,” something he equates with those who identify as LGBTQ+.

Oh, are we finally adding the ‘P’ now?

What colour will the pedos have on the rainbow flag?

The report further notes that ‘professor’ Moen authored a paper back in 2015 titled “The Ethics of Pedophilia,” in which he asked “how bad is” pedophilia, “And in what ways, and for what reasons, is it bad?”

The abstract of the paper reads “In this paper it is argued that pedophilia is bad only because, and only to the extent that, it causes harm to children, and that pedophilia itself, as well as pedophilic expressions and practices that do not cause harm to children, are morally alright [sic].”

He further writes, “We argue that it is not immoral to be a pedophile, it is immoral for pedophiles to seek out sexual contact with children because of the expected harm to children, and it is morally permissible for pedophiles to satisfy their sexual preferences in ways that do not involve any real children.”

Among the other arguments he makes in the paper are the idea that everyone is really a pedo because when we were all children we all experienced sexual desires for other children.

“Many of us have been pedophiles at one point,” Moen argues, adding “When you were 11, it is not unlikely that you were sexually attracted to prepubertal children.”

Moen also suggests that “To prevent harm to future children, we would also be well-advised to start teaching high school students not just what to do in case they are victims of sexual abuse, but also what to do in case they themselves are pedophiles.”

“A certain percentage of high school students either are or will become pedophiles, and currently they are not given any advice on how to handle their sexuality,” he further asserts.

Could that possibly be because wanting to sexually abuse kids isn’t a sexual orientation, but rather an evil perversion?

Moen further suggests that pedos should be able to watch kiddy porn, so long as it’s computer generated and not real, in order for them to...

Read more HERE


  1. My only question is this:
    Drawn and quartered or immolation for them?

  2. All the groomers just can not help themselves. They do not reproduce so they have a dire need for your children. If they do not get that uncivil and immoral message out they feel like they will explode, with their uncivil and immoral urges to have sex with anything that will slow down long enough to be mounted. They are not the US we want, need and or desire.

  3. Pretty sure this morally deficient waste of DNA needs to be put six feet under after having molten lead poured down his throat until it burns out through his rectum.

  4. The Right: The Left is trying to normalize pedophilia.

    The Left: That's nonsense. Now excuse me while I go teach a class on why adults wanting to fuck little children is perfectly natural.

    1. Yeah, nobody saw this coming! I'm just gonna hafta admit I'm some kinda bigot. I'm Prejudiced, I guess.

  5. There is a cure for pedophilia. It is a little pill that only needs to be taken once. It does come in many sizes. My favorite is .357mag.

  6. A queer ethics professor....
    moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity:
    "medical ethics also enter into the question" · [more]
    moral code · morals · morality · moral stand · [more]
    the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles:
    "neither metaphysics nor ethics is the home of religion"

    Kinda looks like his moral compass is busted. How is he qualified to teach ethics?

  7. Bullet. Brain Pan. Some Assembly Required.

  8. Ah! Finally! A c*nt I wouldn't mind seeing shaved... starting about the neck.

  9. Decisions, decisions aluminium or hickory.


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