90 Miles From Tyranny : After Judge Warns Him About Jail Time Over Jan. 6, Grandfather Takes Own Life Before Sentencing

Sunday, July 24, 2022

After Judge Warns Him About Jail Time Over Jan. 6, Grandfather Takes Own Life Before Sentencing

On the day of the Capitol incursion, Mark Aungst of South Williamsport, Pennsylvania, strolled through the Capitol building, taking pictures.

Now, a few weeks after pleading guilty to the charges filed against him for his actions that day and being warned of possible jail time by the judge, he is dead by his own hand.

The coroner ruled that the Wednesday death of Aungst, 47, was a suicide, according to PennLive.

Aungst had pleaded guilty on June 27 in federal court to a charge of demonstrating or parading in a restricted building.

His Sept. 27 sentencing could have sent him to prison for six months and fined him up to $5,000 — and the judge had made jail time sound likely when their sentencing was scheduled.

D. C. Judge Reggie B. Walton told Aungst and co-defendant Tammy A. Bronsburg that “they better have good reasons why they should avoid jail for their participation in the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol,” according to an earlier PennLive report.

Aungst and Bronsburg traveled together to the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Neither was accused of any assault on police or property.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Mona Furst said the two Pennsylvania residents first entered the Capitol through a Senate fire door at about 2:45 p.m. and left about 30 seconds later.

About 20 minutes after that, they re-entered through a different doorway, where they took photos and videos on their cellphones. During that time, they walked through the Capitol, including Senate room 145.

Video and photo evidence was used to document their presence there, including their own comments to others on the bus that brought them to and from the Capitol.

A court document said Bronsburg was pictured in a Capitol hallway with a blue Trump flag across her shoulders while taking a selfie.

Aungst, whose daughter is expecting a baby girl, was pictured on a bus wearing a Trump cap, smiling and giving a thumbs-up gesture.

The plea agreements called for Aungst and Bronsburg to pay $500 each in restitution for damage others did to the Capitol.

Charges of entering and remaining in a restricted building, disorderly conduct in such a building, and disorderly conduct in a Capitol building that were filed against them were to be dismissed under the terms of the agreement.

“Mark was a gas field well service technician in the area. He was a member of Messiah Lutheran Church,” his obituary read. “A loyal and dedicated man, Mark showed tremendous pride for God and his...

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  1. The Judge should be the one hanged.

    1. Justice for any of the orcs will have to come at 2400 fps. There will be no justice under their system, it is corrupt and broken.

  2. Another tragic loss of life, freedom and money to satisfy the ghouls in Washington! For some reason no one can find Ray Epps and arrest his sorry ass! Whatever happened to John Earl Sullivan? The feds must not be able to find him too? Why haven’t the police who opened the door and waved people inside the building been identified, arrested and jailed? The corruption shown by all branches of government and law enforcement has shown these people for who they are not! They are not Americans who believe in freedom, liberty and justice!

  3. People can live through hardship, but from hard feelings they perish.’
    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

  4. Not just the judge, Old Tech, but plenty more as well!

  5. Fuck them - Fuck them all.


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