90 Miles From Tyranny : We Need Donald J. Trump as President Now More Than Ever But first he must become House Speaker. Here's why.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

We Need Donald J. Trump as President Now More Than Ever But first he must become House Speaker. Here's why.

The Supreme Court just stuck a dagger in America. They made five great rulings. They enraged Democrats from coast to coast. Overturning Roe v. Wade was the first blow. They supported guns. They supported prayer. They supported voter ID. They stopped the Environmental Protection Agency's climate-change overreach. Republicans rejoiced.

But sadly, they fooled us. The Supremes saved the worst for last. In their final decision, they reversed former President Donald Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy. That one decision just overwhelmed all the good they did. That last decision was the one that mattered.

The Supremes just opened the door to the end of America. They just opened the borders. Tens of millions will come. Why not? There's now nothing to stop them. They just won the lottery.

What good is saving the babies if you're going to destroy the country they're born into? What good is saving babies if you just stole their future? What good is saving babies if you're going to let millions of criminals, terrorists, pedophiles, child sex traffickers and tons of fentanyl into the USA?

What good is saving babies if you're going to paralyze the school and health care systems of America with tens of millions of new foreign invaders with their hands out and mouths open?

With negative GDP we're almost certainly already in recession, combined with a baby formula shortage and, coming soon, a terrible food shortage. And at this moment we open the floodgates?

Congratulations to the Supreme Court: You saved a few babies (only in red states, by the way), but you killed our country.

There is only one answer now. One small window. One final possibility to still save America...

Donald J. Trump.

We need Trump now more than ever. Only Trump has the cajones to stop this madness, this self-destruction, this national suicide. Trump is the only one who can bring us back from the abyss.

Trump is the one that Democrats, the media, the deep state and the D.C. Swamp fear. How do I know? Look at the news headlines. Trump is all they talk about. They are obsessed with stopping him, slandering him, destroying him, indicting him.

Even Howard Stern has gotten in on the act. The famous shock jock and comedian (who is no longer funny) claims to be running for president against Trump. He's got a bad case of "Trump Derangement Syndrome."

The media is even resorting to running stories 24/7 praising Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as...

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  1. Don't hang this on the court. It's the puppet master over puddingcup who owns this.

    The court only agreed that even an alleged president has the power to do this.

    Consider if the court decided otherwise. The decision then would be that a president does not have executive powers.

  2. The absolute best the court could have done was to hear the cases alleging election fraud. If not that, then to require the states to hand count the ballots, or to reject certain ballots. Or something.

  3. No way would DJT go for the Speakership. I'd love to see it, man it would drive the left even crazier but it won't happen. I'll settle for the 20 or so MAGA candidates like Joe Kent getting elected.

    But here we go again and by that I mean relying on voting HARDERER. I suspect this promised red tsunami is already the target of another massive voter fraud operation. Only this time they'll leave their cell phones at home and use burners.


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