90 Miles From Tyranny : Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She’s ‘Not Backing Down’ After Being Swatted By Trans Extremist

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She’s ‘Not Backing Down’ After Being Swatted By Trans Extremist

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) was “swatted” at her home in Rome, Georgia at 1:00 a.m. on Wednesday, after a pro-trans extremist made a false 911 call to the police. Five officers were reportedly dispatched to Greene’s house in response to an alarming false report. In an interview later Monday, Green said she had immediately grabbed her gun upon hearing a ruckus outside her front door, but she thankfully put it down before she answered.

The term “swatting” refers to the illegal practice of calling the police to make a false report about dangerous and illegal activity in an attempt to get law enforcement to raid the home of an innocent person.

Greene took to Twitter later Wednesday to thank law enforcement for handling the situation professionally.

“Last night, I was swatted just after 1 a.m.,” Greene wrote Wednesday morning. “I can’t express enough gratitude to my local law enforcement here in Rome, Floyd County.”

The swatter reportedly made a voice-masked call later on to the police department, stating that he was upset about Greene’s stance on “transgender youth rights.”

Authorities say they are investigating the 911 call.

High profile conservatives have long been targets of the dangerous practice, including former Trump advisor Steve Bannon just a few weeks ago, youtuber Tim Pool, and Human Events reporter Jack Posobiec.

Greene elaborated further on what happened on the Charlie Kirk Show, telling Posobiec, who was hosting the show, that “it was a scary situation,” and something she “never expected.”

“This is basically political terrorism,” Greene said, noting that Posobiec knows what it feels like because he has been swatted as well.

“I just want to say this. There’s no way I’m backing down,” she added, in reference to legislation she recently introduced that riled up the trans community.

MTG explained that her “Protect Children’s Innocence Act” would make it “a felony to perform any kind of so-called gender affirming care, which is really genital mutilation, hormone therapies, and puberty blockers,” calling such procedures “absolute child abuse.”

She pointed out that the swatting came just one week after she introduced the legislation, which she says has garnered “massive support” among Republican lawmakers.

“Everyone knows what a dangerous threat this is to our children,” MTG said. “If this is the war the left wants to bring, then they can...

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