90 Miles From Tyranny : Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #575

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #575


  1. The constitution should be amended to include:

    "All bills proposed must be read into the congressional record verbally, by the proposing member and/or co-sponsors, continuously until the full bill text is recorded"

  2. I was born in the late 50s and California was my home state. I remember how it was when Reagan was governor. I am from Sothern California and lived in a suburb in the San Gabriel Valley about 8 miles east of LA. There was less then half the people in the state now.

    Reagan had logging in the forests that cleared dead trees and cleared bad areas, had workers, got state taxes, kept fires down. Reagan expanded water storage by increasing dams and lakes. Reagan had a good statewide college system that was cheap and effective. Overall what Reagan did was stopped when he left or killed by Jerry Brown or the environmentalists.


Test Word Verification