90 Miles From Tyranny : Visage à trois #437

Monday, August 29, 2022

Visage à trois #437

Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

Three Additional Bonus Videos:

Videos That Are:
  • Usually Short.
  • Usually Timely.
  • Usually Scraped, Gleaned And Pilfered From Social Media.

Visage à trois #435


  1. consider the possibility that neither Ashley nor Hunter left their personal information behind by accident. Who has 3 laptops to lose? Consider the possibility that they did this as a passive aggressive way to rat out dad.

  2. Kennedy was shot by Oswald and the conspiracy theories might be real but he was accidentally fatally shot by a SS Agent in the following car. See https://www.amazon.com/JFK-Smoking-Gun-Larry-Day/dp/B00GDUFPTW

  3. Issues with Electric Vehicles (EVs):
    1. They drive 40% less then what the dealer says
    2. Using A/C, Heat, or other car features uses power and cuts down drive distance
    3. To power them a person's house needs to have an Electrician modify the house's power so the EVs can be charged when not used (usually overnight), cost around $2K
    4. If a person lives in an Apartment or Condo then charging the EV off the person's power is not usable and only charging off a charging station is the way to charge
    5. The charging stations are not standard for all EVs. So the Federal Government should come up with standards for power plugs, charging amounts, and how the costs are made (Credit Cards, etc)
    6. Many charging stations do not work at a location
    7. Charging at charging location take time and if people are there using it there is increased delay
    8. Charging stations have to be found through smart devices and planning when driving
    9. The EVs have issues with the batteries over time. When the batteries fail then the EV dies and there is no way to have it working until a replacement battery is installed.
    These are not standard and based on the vehicle. If the vehicle is still made then at a minimum at will take 2 weeks and can take months. Costs are high and the batteries are from overseas and made of non standard materials that cannot be put into normal landfills.
    10. Lack of power, brownouts or blackouts affect charging EVs
    11. The USA is using about 1% of EVs and the push is 50% by 2030 but the Electrical Grid cannot support that.
    12. The Electrical Grid power is mostly from Natural Gas, Coal, Nuclear, and then minor is Wind and Solar.
    13. The cost of an EV is much more then a gas vehicle+gasoline or diesel vehicle+diesel fuel

    Shown in the video is California, but they like other states have Electrical Grid issues. The Electrical Grid in the very northern part of the state, around Paradise, CA cause a massive forrest fire. This is due to old wiring in many areas and adding EVs will increase problems.


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