90 Miles From Tyranny : Why did Deaths among Female Children increase by 57% immediately after they were offered the Covid-19 Vaccine?

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Why did Deaths among Female Children increase by 57% immediately after they were offered the Covid-19 Vaccine?

Prior to young girls being offered the Covid-19 vaccine, deaths among the age group were in line with the expected five-year average. But an analysis of official data published by the Office for National Statistics shows that deaths among female children increased by 57% immediately after they were first offered the Covid-19 vaccine.

The risk of children dying due to the alleged Covid-19 disease is so extraordinarily low that it is negligible, and this is precisely why the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization refused to recommend that children be offered a Covid-19 injection in the UK, citing that the benefits do not necessarily outweigh the risks.

One of those known risks is a condition known as myocarditis, which causes inflammation of the heart muscle and reduces the heart’s ability to pump blood, and can cause rapid or abnormal heart rhythms.

History of Myocarditis / Pericarditis reports to VAERS – Source

Eventually, myocarditis weakens the heart so that the rest of the body doesn’t get enough blood. Clots can then form in the heart, leading to a stroke or heart attack. Other complications of the condition include sudden cardiac death. There is no mild version of myocarditis, it is extremely serious due to the fact that the heart muscle is incapable of regenerating. Therefore, once the damage is done there is no rewinding the clock.

Medicine regulators are fully aware that myocarditis can result from an adverse reaction to the Covid-19 injections, especially to the Pfizer mRNA injection. They are also well aware that it disproportionally affects younger adults and teenagers.

So if the UK Medicine Regulator is aware of the risk of myocarditis following Covid-19 vaccination, we’re quite positive the Chief Medical Officer for England, Professor Chris Whitty, who overruled the JCVI and advised the Government to offer the Pfizer Covid-19 injection to children, was also aware of the risk of myocarditis following Covid-19 vaccination.

Chris Whitty and his fellow Chief Medical Officers for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland wrote to the UK Government on September 13th 2021 advising the Government to roll out the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine to all children over the age of 12 with immediate effect. Thanks to plans that had been put in place under the instruction of then Health Secretary, Sajid Javid, the NHS was ready to roll out the Covid-19 vaccine to children across schools the following week.

September 13th fell in week 37 of 2021, so we took a look at the official death statistics of children aged 10-14 from week 38 onwards. The ONS data for 2021, can be found here and it includes deaths in England and Wales that occurred up to the end of week 44.

So we compared those stats against the deaths to have occurred between week 38 and week 44 in the ‘Five year average weekly deaths by sex and age group, England and Wales: deaths occurring between 2015 and 2019’ dataset previously published by the ONS, which can be found here:

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