90 Miles From Tyranny : Just Like In Communist Countries, The State Is Turning Your Children Against You

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Just Like In Communist Countries, The State Is Turning Your Children Against You

“No, deny it all you like, but our humanitarian intelligentsia has the same roots, the very same roots as the Bolsheviks.”

– Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

The incidents of schools indoctrinating children while scorning the wishes and objections of their parents seem incomprehensible, but there is a method to the Left’s depravity.

The movie “The Killing Fields,” a story of the genocidal communist Khmer Rouge of Cambodia has a brief scene whose significance is easy to miss. The Communists have taken over the country and begun indoctrinating the children. The teacher draws stick figures representing a family holding hands on the blackboard. The teacher asks a child to come to the blackboard, whereupon the child erases the child stick figure’s hand holding the mother and draws a big “x” through both parents. The teacher smiles with approval.

In all the Marxist regimes, a goal is to separate the children from their parents and make them property of the State. In the Soviet Union, children were encouraged to spy and report them to the authorities for any anti-Communist remarks parents made even became national “martyr” for turning his father in. The result of these policies would be The New Man, who safeguard the new utopia and its glorious leaders.

Now, this has come to America. Recently, a son outed his father to the FBI on Christmas Eve over his political views and participation in the January 6 protest, among many other instances. The FBI has started to encourage friends and family to spy on each other for potential signs of “violent extremism.”

This phenomenon occurs in Marxism because the ideology is anti-family. Engels and Marx considered the family a miniature version of capitalism, wherein the man sees the wife and children as property to be exploited. Unsurprisngly, modern feminists, many of whom have Marxist backgrounds, echo this view.

And this takes us to modern America.

The indoctrination of children in American schools seems rather bizarre. It teaches children to hate everything about America, promotes racial Marxism and a racial conflict, and pushes homosexuality and transgenderism on children. The latter may seem counterproductive until one realizes that it serves the goal of undermining...

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1 comment:

  1. Bird of ParadiseFriday, October 28, 2022

    Thats where the NEA comes in along with the various Eco-Freak groups Beainwash the kids and starting when their in Kindergarten


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