90 Miles From Tyranny : MICHELLE MALKIN: In Support Of A Young America First Capitol Insurrection Hoax Scapegoat

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

MICHELLE MALKIN: In Support Of A Young America First Capitol Insurrection Hoax Scapegoat

Next week, a young college student will face a federal judge in Washington, D.C., at a sentencing hearing over his nonviolent participation in the Jan. 6 Capitol rally. UCLA undergrad Christian Secor was arrested last February and spent more than a month in solitary confinement. Think about that.

Unlike the weekly parade of repeat violent criminal rapists, robbers, pedophiles and murderers across the country with massive rap sheets who enjoy a no-bail revolving door, Christian had never, ever been in trouble with the law before his arrest.

The un-American Department of Injustice has made life hell for hundreds of peaceful Trump rally participants—locking them up, throwing away the key, harassing their families, withholding evidence and obliterating their constitutional rights to stifle dissent, punish the Democrats' political enemies and weaponize J6 till kingdom come. Don't take my word for it. A D.C. magistrate overseeing some of the cases, Zia Faruqui, decried the gargantuan prosecutions of nearly 900 defendants, including at least two Americans who were left to languish in custody after being "lost" for weeks without scheduled hearings.

"It feels like the government has bitten off more than it can chew here," Faruqui complained in March.[Judge: Massive scope of Jan. 6 probe led to rights being 'trampled', by Josh Gerstein, Politico, March 7, 2022 ]

Yes, the vengeful federal beast has an insatiable appetite and bottomless resources to ruin lives. The D.C. witch-hunt prosecutors threw a pile of charges at Christian that made sensational headlines, including "assaulting, resisting or impeding officers," as liberal National Public Radio reported. Christian pleaded not guilty to all charges in March 2021 but, 14 wearying months later, entered an agreement to plead guilty to a single felony charge of "obstructing a federal proceeding."

Here is what I wrote to the judge in Christian's case, the Honorable Trevor McFadden, to share what I know about this bright young man as he faces up to 20 years in prison next week:

Read More HERE

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your concern Michelle but these DC judges are the scum of the earth.

    Right now the defendants being held in DC shit holes are enduring true terrorist conditions including racial abuse & beatings, solitary confinement, starvation diets, black mold, freezing cells, constant high volumes of noise, no toiletries like shampoo or toothpaste...this is America?

    A guy attacking a McDonalds with an axe is out the next day without needing to post bail???? Arrested again too.


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