90 Miles From Tyranny : Visage à trois #537

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Visage à trois #537

Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

Three Additional Bonus Videos:

Videos That Are:
  • Usually Short.
  • Usually Timely.
  • Usually Scraped, Gleaned And Pilfered From Social Media.

Visage à trois #280 - Shall Not Be Infringed Edition...


  1. Last one - racoon vs. iguana - is that your backyard, Mike?

    Kids in grocery store - need handcuffs and to not be treated so softly. Willful destruction of property for political purposes is political violence.

  2. 1)Wow, Maria was on fire. Dingall is a POS, she thinks she's royalty.

    2) I'd have knocked those 2 spilling milk into next week.

    3) There are millions of people that are still fully on board for more
    shots & boosters. It's an IQ test and they've failed.

  3. 1) Maria showed it is clear that the Dems are useless. Hopefully Michigan will vote out Dingall.

    3) Those two wasting milk show that they need to be in jail and then given a prison sentence such as cleaning toilets in prisons for a year for being stupid.


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