90 Miles From Tyranny : November 11th at 11:11

Friday, November 11, 2022

November 11th at 11:11



  1. If permanent nationwide DST is approved, this will be the last time this monument will display at 11:11 AM. Perhaps they can reinstall it on some sort of turntable so they can rotate it to align with the whims of the progressives.

  2. The PruhGressuvs ( Using your best Rush voice) whom I call Lefties,would happily have it ever in darkness given their choice.

  3. If I remember correctly Arizona never complied with the time shift, but did allow reservations to do so at their choice, time changes several times crossing the state. If they impose DST coast to coast maybe Arizona needs to apply for entry into the Pacific time zone, and stay in step with Nevada and California rather than the mountain zone. This would keep the clock on time I think.


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