90 Miles From Tyranny : The FDA Misled the Public About Ivermectin and Should Be Accountable in Court, Argues AAPS

Saturday, November 12, 2022

The FDA Misled the Public About Ivermectin and Should Be Accountable in Court, Argues AAPS

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) filed its motion and amicus brief Thursday evening with the federal district court in Galveston urging it to allow the lawsuit to proceed against the FDA for its misleading statements against ivermectin. In Apter v. HHS, a group of physicians sued to hold the Food and Drug Administration, a federal agency within the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), accountable for its interference with physicians’ ability to treat Covid-19.

“Defendant FDA has improperly exploited misunderstandings about the legality and prevalence of off-label uses of medication, in order to mislead courts, state medical boards, and the public into thinking there is anything improper about off-label prescribing,” AAPS writes in its amicus brief to the court. “Not only is off-label prescribing fully proper, legal, and commonplace, but it is also absolutely necessary in order to give effective care to patients.”

Yet the FDA published multiple statements and sent letters to influential organizations to falsely disparage ivermectin, implying that it was not approved for treating Covid-19. Many, including courts and state medical boards, were misled by the FDA into thinking that its lack of approval for this treatment meant that ivermectin should not be used to treat Covid-19.

“It has never been proper for the FDA to interfere with that essential part of the practice of medicine, and the FDA knows it,” AAPS informed the court. The FDA “insisted and continues to insist on interfering with the prescription of this safe medication by physicians in treating Covid-19,” AAPS added.

AAPS General Counsel Andrew Schlafly pointed out to the court that the FDA “has engaged in a campaign of interference with the proper use by physicians of ivermectin, which has long been approved as fully safe for human use.” He alerted the court that once the FDA approves a medication as safe, then physicians have full authority to prescribe it to treat any illness, particularly a...

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  1. I'd prefer they name certain individuals as plaintiffs.

  2. The fda allowed congress and the scrotum court to use it , while not allowing the public to obtain it.

  3. Misleading? They all knew damn well that ivermectin was a safe, inexpensive preventative and treatment yet conspired to not only lie about it but actively do everything they could to prevent its use. It was intentionally demonized, ridiculed and withheld so that the sham, poison vaccine could get emergency approval.

    Hospitals and the medical community also profited "treating" covid patients with drugs and methods they knew were not only ineffective but, in many cases, deadly.

    Their crimes caused hundreds of thousands of deaths due to the virus, the bullshit care and the supposed vaccine so that the pharmaceutical and medical industries could steal billions from the US taxpayer.

    All while we were being culled.

    These murderers need to be exposed and the truth needs to be told.

  4. The AAPS is just covering it's ass. It is just as guilty, still guilty actually. I can't go to the V.A. clinics without a mask, so I am no longer going. I am running out of heart medicine and diabetes medicine. Don't let them point the finger, while they are still just as involved.


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