90 Miles From Tyranny : The ‘Whiteness’ Smear Is Really An Attack On Private Life, Relationships, And Universal Values

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The ‘Whiteness’ Smear Is Really An Attack On Private Life, Relationships, And Universal Values

Identity politics aims to humiliate ‘whites’ by constantly accusing them of their presumed ancestors’ role in things they didn’t do themselves.

As social wounds fester, identity politics spawns social distrust and dysfunction. Political correctness cuts us off even further from open conversation with others. The agitation of mobs intimidates people into greater isolation. All these processes erode civility and grow the worst primitive instincts in people.

These mechanisms promote the narrative that revenge is justified. And, voilà, a mob can be mobilized by stimulating that destructive passion. The mob can now dish out punishment to anyone associated with the offending act, no longer to individuals who are guilty as charged according to a rule of law and due process. While identity politics segregates blacks by constantly reminding them of former oppressions, it aims to humiliate “whites” by constantly accusing them of their presumed ancestors’ role, demonizing them for things they did not do themselves.

Many willingly accept the punishment since the propaganda maintains an illusion of majority opinion. This seems to be a weakness of the so-called white demographic, particularly those in well-to-do suburbs. Working-class whites have had a lot more activist venom directed at them in recent years because of their association with populism and the 2016 presidential campaign during which Hillary Clinton labeled them a “basket of deplorables.”

Constant propaganda that threatens to mark whites as domestic terrorists or white supremacists takes its toll. Many become defensive and succumb to the threat rather than push back. Such were the probable internal dynamics that caused a thousand residents of an affluent white suburb to take a loyalty oath to the Black Lives Matter movement because of its superficial claims of being antiracist. Yet by doing so, they marked themselves as eternally guilty of racism by accepting the BLM definition of white.

But what comprises a white identity, anyway? Advocates of identity politics have made an industry of defining the term for us. The irony is that they use the same methods of propaganda and social pressures that advocates of Jim Crow laws used in the past to get Americans to accept racism.

A century ago, “whites” in America were viewed primarily as...

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  1. The whitness idea is about the civil and moral society we used to enjoy. It is about the uncivil and immoral and being tired of prosecution inside it. They have power and do not intend on letting go.

  2. Both sides of my great grandparents came legally to this country in the late 1800's so did they know that all of their decedents would be blamed for something that happened before they arrived because they were white? I would like to know the percentage of the white population who actually had ancestors in this country during the slavery period. Next what percentage of these had anything to do with slavery (as if this means anything).


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