90 Miles From Tyranny : FTX had a back channel with the White House

Friday, December 30, 2022

FTX had a back channel with the White House

The Gateway Pundit reported a secret back channel between FTX and the Biden White House, shut down the day after FTX filed for bankruptcy. In November, the Gateway Pundit also revealed that billions were sent to Ukraine from the U.S., and Ukraine invested some of the billions in FTX. FTX then donated millions to Democrat (and some Republican entities) in an effort to curry favor and protection.

The back channel from FTX to the White House was reported by Politico. The channel was facilitated by a Democrat operative and ally of Bankman-Fried, Sean McElwee.

McElwee kept an open Slack channel with reporters and the White House. When the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York unsealed an eight-count indictment against SBF, it was revealed that the eighth count involved a political funding project through straw donors — money contributed by third-party parties who were fake donors. Then the red flags and anxiety went up, and that resulted in the shutdown of the back channel to...

Read more: HERE


  1. For someone so utterly stupid as Biden is, he sure has figured out how to take total power and make tons of illicit dollars without getting caught and prosecuted. Of course he has a lot of support from the government sanctioned criminal enterprises.

  2. SBF funneled his loot to an attorney name Berkowitz, who then used some of that filthy lucre to bribe SEC head Gensler.

    Damn Irish, always sticking their big noses into our financial dealings.

  3. We are a failed civilization.


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