90 Miles From Tyranny : Report: FBI Conducted Domestic Influence Operation Targeting Social and Corporate Media to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Report: FBI Conducted Domestic Influence Operation Targeting Social and Corporate Media to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story

While the FBI was supposed to be investigating foreign influence operations ahead of the 2020 election, it was engaging in a political influence operation of its own right here at home. Throughout all of 2020, the FBI repeatedly “primed” former Twitter’s Trust and Safety chief Yoel Roth to dismiss accurate reports of Hunter Biden’s scandalous laptop, and to refer to it as a Russian “hack and leak” operation, according to internal Twitter documents.

Although the FBI almost certainly knew the laptop—which had been in its possession since December of 2019—was legitimate, it conducted a multi-faceted influence operation targeting multiple social media platforms and major corporate media outlets to discredit accurate reports on a major scandal that threatened to torpedo Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.

Independent journalist Michael Shellenberger on Monday released the seventh edition of the “Twitter Files” onto the social media platform, revealing how the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community worked to “discredit factual information about Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings” in the media.

Twitter CEO Elon Musk has given Shellenberger and two other independent reporters broad access to the internal communications between Twitter executives and government officials on the condition that they post the material on Twitter before they publish it anywhere else.

The sixth installment of the Twitter Files revealed how the FBI’s relentless attempts to exercise influence over Twitter’s content, its users, and its data, made even Yoel Roth—the far-left former head of Trust and Safety—uncomfortable.

The evidence uncovered in seventh edition points to “an organized effort by representatives of the intelligence community (IC), aimed at senior executives at news and social media companies, to discredit leaked information about Hunter Biden before and after it was published,” Shellenberger wrote. “The story begins December 2019 when a Delaware computer store owner named John Paul (J.P.) Mac Isaac contacts the FBI about a laptop that Hunter Biden had left with him.”

The FBI issued a subpoena for Hunter Biden’s laptop and took possession of it on Dec 9, 2019. For the next year, the Bureau did nothing meaningful to address multiple alleged illegalities found in the laptop—but it did take action.
“At 9:22 pm ET (6:22 PT), FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan sends 10 documents to Twitter’s then-Head of Site Integrity, Yoel Roth, through Teleporter, a one-way communications channel from the FBI to Twitter,” Shellenberger wrote.

The next day, October 14, 2020, The New York Post runs its explosive story revealing the business dealings of President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. Every single fact in it was accurate.
And yet, within hours, Twitter and other social media companies censor the NY Post article, preventing it from spreading and, more importantly, undermining its credibility in the minds of many Americans.
They did the same to Facebook, according to CEO Mark Zuckerberg. “The FBI basically came to us [and] was like, ‘Hey… you should be on high alert. We thought that there was a lot of Russian propaganda in 2016 election. There’s about to be some kind of dump similar to that.'”

While the FBI’s warnings of a Russian hack-and-leak operation relating to Hunter Biden’s laptop was based on outdated intel, the laptop in its possession was chuck full of incriminating information about Hunter, and his father, the then-Democrat candidate for president.

“Hunter Biden earned *tens of millions* of dollars in contracts with foreign businesses, including ones linked to China’s government, for which Hunter offered no real work,” Shellenberger wrote, linking to a video of investigative journalist Peter Schweizer summing up the alleged Biden family corruption and illegalities.

The Twitter files show that the FBI had no reason to be focusing on a Russian “hack and leak” operation:

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  1. Well, that's not a good use of company money. Our "government" is soooo out in left field it is mind boggling. Anyone that's worked in the private sector (i.e. the real world) above entry level knows that fiscal responsibility is a big, big deal. Billing the taxpayer for their little agenda mill is egregious in the extreme. Its as bad as Israel begging us to feed their poor when we already send the juice 30 billion-with a "bee"-a year.

  2. It is clear that all Federal agencies that have been involved with stopping "a person" or "a party" or "certain views" by Americans in various companies is illegal. This goes against the First Amendment.

    All those companies are open to lawsuits, having all records open, and show what money and federal agencies were involved with them. All Federal agencies and the people involved in this should be arrested and their funding taken away.


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