90 Miles From Tyranny : TRIGGERED liberals melt down over revelations of Twitter censorship

Sunday, December 4, 2022

TRIGGERED liberals melt down over revelations of Twitter censorship

Glenn Greenwald said, "The sleazy, pro-censorship pack of liberal employees of media corporations united last night" to attack Matt Taibbi, "as they do to any journalist who breaks a real story about real power centers ."

On Friday, Twitter owner Elon Musk started releasing "the Twitter files," documents revealing the extent the social media platform censored stories and interfered in American elections. The files were reported on by Matt Taibbi, causing liberal establishment media to parrot the same, by rote, lines, such as claiming that Taibbi is doing "PR work for the richest man on the planet" and that Musk is a "far-right extremist."

Journalist Glenn Greenwald posted screenshots of several of the posts and wrote, "The sleazy, pro-censorship pack of liberal employees of media corporations united last night to attack @mtaibbi -- as they do to any journalist who breaks a real story about real power centers -- and, because they were so desperate to discredit it, showed what they are."

Greenwald's collection of posts show The Atlantic contributor Devon Heinen saying, "the current person handling content moderation at #Twitter has proven by his actions on the platform to be a far-right extremist."

Greenwald also posted several responses by NBC contributor Ben Collins, who tacitly admitted in October that Musk's purchase of Twitter would end the site's stranglehold on information, said that what happened at Twitter was "regular people" doing "regular comms work."

Collins had also claimed Twitter and Democrats colluding to interfere in the 2020 election was acceptable because, "Content moderation is messy!"

Collins also said Taibbi's work was "hack stuff."

MSNBC personality Chris Hayes said he was watching Musk, and others like him, "red-pill" themselves into "disaster."

Ian Miles Cheong posted more examples and wrote, "Welcome to the narrative. The MSM and establishment hacks have gotten their talking points about @elonmusk ’s Twitter Files."

Cheong's post documents the similarity in liberal media figures posting the same message about Taibbi doing Musk's PR work.

Bloomberg reporter Jason Schreier said Taibbi should have asked himself, "'Hey, should I be doing PR work for the richest man on the planet?'"

MSNBC personality Mehdi Hasan said "Imagine volunteering to do online PR work for the world's richest man."

Taibbi said of the "PR work" angle, "Looking forward to going through all the tweets complaining about “PR for the richest man on earth,” and seeing how many of them have run stories for anonymous sources at the FBI, CIA, the Pentagon, White House, etc.":

Read More HERE

1 comment:

  1. Clearly anyone that doesn't nuzzle the wedding tackle of the new world order-ists is a "far right extremist", according to the deranged, far left extremist politicians and their lapdog, leftist/extremist puppets, the media.


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