90 Miles From Tyranny : Visage à trois #655

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Visage à trois #655

Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

Three Additional Bonus Videos:

Videos That Are:
  • Usually Short.
  • Usually Timely.
  • Usually Scraped, Gleaned And Pilfered From Social Media.

Visage à trois #653


  1. The most maddening is even as the one is proven in their continued lies and repeated excuse, er, lack of candor, they are allowed their leave unscathed save for the insipid tongue lashing issued forth that pretend august body also known as the Congress.

    Not even the softball questions are followed up. The Congress, if indeed has teeth, fears to bare; indeed, moves far and away to cover and conceal the moral turpitude of witness and committee alike. Thereby, the Congress is remiss and inept. Whether incidental or purposeful, there is not a difference.

    Surely, our time is not the first instance that the curtain of pretense is falling away. Yet this time, we have the opportunity to continue to tear the cloaking cloth of deceit, to sink our teeth, to shred that covering of deceit. If those who pretend to represent The People will not act, let it be us. And let it be now. For neither good nor bad lasts forever; there is only this moment in time. What comes after is decided here, now.

    Not so? Then answer why it was only by multiple felony acts of the pretend nuclear freak that he was - not removed, but resigned - from office? No one was surprised that the depraved continues deeper into their depravity. The fact of the matter is it was covered, allowance made, until credulity burst like the buttons on undersized clothing on a fat man.

    1. I am in error. It was not that the button went sproing. It was the paving of the path, the adorning of that lane upon which the abdominal so freely frolic. They, given carte blanche, indulge exceeding for such is their nature.

      Yet in our horror, or macabre fascination, let us not lose sight of the who and the what, the why and the how, those who thought it grand, or merely to idle at the wayside, by which such dispicable creature could, or even would, rise to such position. Talk about interest of national security! Sheesh.

      If I were to use the word, sin, many would turn away. A word fallen out of favor by so much a margin that it is to be tarnished and branded as testimony of the holier brainwashed. Such is their destitution. Yet the truth of it remains. That one would turn away is evidence of complicity.

      Not I, sez he. Oh, but you did allow it. By doing nothing, you were complicit. The most extinguishing truth is we so languish in our lassitude that we find it too inconvenient to tear ourselves away from the memes and our sarcastic snarls railed against the Tik Tok enclave. Its not like, you know, civilization should demand our direct participation. Not to right a wrong, not even to prevent the condition to form which allows the rise of mocking abomination. We have become comfortable in acquiescence. Here is how the Republic has perished. Clown world has filled that void.

  2. Rick, in the above comments, is on the money.

    And notice the refreshing homogeneity in the toddler class in Japan. I am certain things would not be so calm and civil if the class was a different composition.

  3. I expect all of Biden's Admin to be impeached and removed. They are doing nothing but destroying the country. If Congress does not impeach and remove them it is clear they are in on it.


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