90 Miles From Tyranny : When the FBI Attacks Critics as “Conspiracy Theorists,” It’s Time to Reform the Bureau

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

When the FBI Attacks Critics as “Conspiracy Theorists,” It’s Time to Reform the Bureau

Below is my column in the Hill on the need for a new “Church Committee” to investigate and reform the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) after years of scandals involving alleged political bias. In response to criticism over its role in Twitter’s censorship system, the FBI lashed out against critics as “conspiracy theorists” spreading disinformation. However, it still refuses to supply new information on other companies, beyond Twitter, that it has paid to engage in censorship.

Here is the column:

“Conspiracy theorists … feeding the American public misinformation” is a familiar attack line for anyone raising free-speech concerns over the FBI’s role in social media censorship. What is different is that this attack came from the country’s largest law enforcement agency, the FBI — and, since the FBI has made combatting “disinformation” a major focus of its work, the labeling of its critics is particularly menacing.

Fifty years ago, the Watergate scandal provoked a series of events that transformed not only the presidency but federal agencies like the FBI. Americans demanded answers about the involvement of the FBI and other federal agencies in domestic politics. Ultimately, Congress not only investigated the FBI but later impanelled the Church Committee to investigate a host of other abuses by intelligence agencies.

A quick review of recent disclosures and controversies shows ample need for a new Church Committee:

The Russian investigations

The FBI previously was at the center of controversies over documented political bias. Without repeating the long history from the Russian influence scandal, FBI officials like Peter Strzok were fired after emails showed open bias against presidential candidate Donald Trump. The FBI ignored warnings that the so-called Steele dossier, largely funded by the Clinton campaign, was likely used by Russian intelligence to spread disinformation. It continued its investigation despite early refutations of key allegations or discrediting of sources.

Biden family business

The FBI has taken on the character of a Praetorian Guard when the Biden family has found itself in scandals.

For example, there was Hunter Biden’s handgun, acquired by apparently lying on federal forms. In 2018, the gun allegedly was tossed into a trash bin in Wilmington, Del., by Hallie Biden, the widow of Hunter’s deceased brother and with whom Hunter had a relationship at the time. Secret Service agents reportedly appeared at the gun shop with no apparent reason, and Hunter later said the matter would be...

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  1. I believe most of the agencies in the government are to far gone and should be removed. The ones left should be the Border Patrol, US Marshalls, the Treasury, and the military. The rest should be handled by the state. This would me the cabinet members would be removed to what originally in the first seating of the cabinet.

    The problem is that Congress and the Deep State does not want to give up power and they would have to. Many committees would end, buildings and people would not be needed in Federal Government, and costs would be lowered.

  2. There is no reforming the bureau, its a cancer on this country, and needs to be disbanded entirely, root and branch, to the DOJ and DHS. Get rid of these illegal abhorrent agencies and jail the traitors among them.


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