90 Miles From Tyranny : Biden Likens Migrants At Southern Border to Jews Fleeing National Socialism

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Biden Likens Migrants At Southern Border to Jews Fleeing National Socialism

Does this man have any residual conscience left?

Old Joe Biden’s handlers have effectively erased the Southern border of the United States. Want to enter what once was known as the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave? Come on in! Whoever is running the United States at this point has clearly decided to flood the country with migrants, whether in order to secure a long-term voter base for the Democrat Party, or to destroy the world’s foremost nation-state in pursuit of socialist internationalist goals, or for some other reason, but one thing is certain: the political and media elites aren’t willing to tell us what they’re really up to. They are instead offering excuses for the migrant influx, each more implausible than the last. On Thursday, Old Joe gave us the most offensive and unbelievable explanation yet.

Asked whether he thought migrating to the United States was a human right, Biden said: “Well, I think it is a human right to–, if you have your, if your, your family is being persecuted, if your bein’ dealt with in a way, I mean, like, it was, I thought it was a human right for, you know, uh, uh, Jews in Germany to be able to go, to get to escape and get help where they could.”

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), CBP officers had 2,766,582 “encounters” with migrants at the borders during fiscal year 2022, up significantly from 1,956,519 in fiscal year 2021 and 646,822 in fiscal year 2020. In October and November of 2022, there were 561,291. If migrants keep streaming into the U.S. at that rate, there will be well over three million “encounters” in this fiscal year. It would be interesting to know how many of those people Old Joe thinks are comparable to Jews fleeing the National Socialists in Germany. Some of them? All of them?

Whatever the answer, the comparison is as preposterous as it is appalling. As bad as conditions may be in Central America or in socialist Venezuela and socializing Brazil, genocide is not taking place. And the people coming to the border aren’t Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud, Rep. Andy Biggs correctly noted: “Biden just compared illegal aliens—lawbreakers who have been found to be terrorists, drug dealers, and bad actors—to Jews fleeing Germany during the Holocaust. Not even remotely the same situation. This kind of mindset prevents us from legitimately securing our border.”

Trump adviser Stephen Miller pointed out that in making this comparison, Old Joe was also implying that Latin America was like National Socialist Germany: “Comparing Haitians leaving Haiti or Nicaraguans leaving Nicaragua to Jews fleeing violent extermination from Nazi Germany is both an outrageous minimization of the Holocaust and a vile slander of Latin American nations. Biden will say or do anything to expand illegal immigration.”

Biden never addressed that point, but he did try to give the impression that he had a scintilla of...

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1 comment:

  1. and yet, Cubans found in the water will be returned to Cuba to face persecution from the Communist regime.


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