90 Miles From Tyranny : Google Is Complicit In Hiding Critical Health Information For People To Make Crucial Personal Health Decisions...

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Google Is Complicit In Hiding Critical Health Information For People To Make Crucial Personal Health Decisions...



  1. Someone pointed out that everything we're hearing about Twitter and the Fed.gov is going on at Google, Facebook, and every other social media company there is.

  2. I wonder how many ex CIA and FBI agent they are employing.

  3. https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-12-28-study-shows-mrna-covid-vaccine-damages-heart.html Here it is.

  4. They took that article on naturalnews.com down

  5. E-mail subscription may be considered as method to get this and other articles to the intended audience.

  6. "They took that article on naturalnews.com down"
    it's still there


  7. Gee. Sounds like it's time for a standalone version of WordPress to me.

  8. One of things that has amazed me about the myocarditis thing is that before mRNA that word and condition was not in common usage. Most people, outside of people in the medical field, didn't even know what it was, me included. Now. not a day goes by without the word being part of a story about about heart ailments in children and young adults.

    You'd think that someone in .gov would get a clue to the connection. Nope. They just continue to double down on the coverup. Of course there are BILLIONS of $ at stake, so there's that.



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