90 Miles From Tyranny : Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #869

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #869



  1. That FTX con artist, SBF, was paying bribes to the SEC counsel, Berkowitz, who then laundered some of that purloined loot to SEC head Gensler. The SEC is supposed to be on the lookout for this shit, instead, they're helping the steal.

    The first judge assigned to this case, Ronnie Abrams, had to recuse herself due to conflicts of interest? What, so she also got some free money?

    Damn Irish, always sticking their big noses into our financial affairs.

  2. If physical fitness was a "white supremacist" thing, plantation owners would have been maintaining their fitness by picking their own cotton... I rest my case, Your Honor...

  3. @ Anonymous
    almost every comment you make on this blog, you take the opportunity to make a dig at people born into the Jewish faith.
    hate to think you're some sort of Muslim troll.


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