90 Miles From Tyranny : The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #1258

Monday, January 9, 2023

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #1258

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Line1:   mikemiles
Line2:   @
Line3:    protonmail.com

Are You Digging The Mystery Video Vibe?
..Then Check This:

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #1


  1. So, this guy has a piece of brick that's really, really old. Fine, that's cool, I get it. People long ago used brick and mortar to build stuff. And the facts could have been easily and interestingly laid out in a video that could have been fun to watch.

    But his initial screed that first someone made the brick, then another transported it to the site, then someone else constructed the building, all for yet another person. All those people were part of a society "working together for the benefit of everyone".

    Stopped watching right there. I do not agree that one can assume that there was some cooperative society of any kind based upon locating the remains an ancient structure.

    I definitely disagree that anyone should present history in that way.

    The same goes for representing the whole indigenous North American population as some sort of ideal, peaceful, noble group of tribes that were all just perfect until the mean old European colonizers came along, stole all the land and fucked everything up.

    Bullshit, they were savage, mostly ignorant, generally violent people that were at constant war with each other and everyone else that came along, like our history books said they were.

  2. I sort of get what Matthew is getting at. Just... understand... he is a hipster, trying to tell a story to fellow hipsters, about something that is rather interesting. In a time where Hollywood endings, sugar coating, and socialism/communism is what is believed, you get what you get.

    Still, the basis is interesting, just ignore much of the rest. Though, the razor he is advertising for sounds interesting. I may try it. I try interesting new designs every few years. While I collect foods, for dark times, I also collect tools which are better, or worth having. Shaving is merely a tool oriented operation. And, it's, not just for me. I suspect there will be some money, or favors, for having some tools... if the world comes to a fast stop, or simple topples.

    Just some thoughts.


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