90 Miles From Tyranny : US Army Explains How to Respond When a Soldier Questions Showering With ‘a Female Who Has Male Genitalia’

Friday, January 13, 2023

US Army Explains How to Respond When a Soldier Questions Showering With ‘a Female Who Has Male Genitalia’

The U.S. Army has prepared extensive guidance for how to integrate transgender soldiers into its ranks, including instructions for group showers and how to respond to pregnant men, newly revealed training documents show.

President Joe Biden restored an Obama-era directive codifying service for many transgender individuals shortly after taking office in 2021 amid competing judgments about the influence of gender-related psychological issues and medical procedures on a person’s fitness for service. While the number of transgender individuals currently serving is likely small, the training materials, dated August 2021, imagine a variety of problems officers and soldiers might encounter related to transgender members.

One slide in the “Tier Two” training materials addresses how an officer should respond when a soldier approaches “to discuss his newly confirmed pregnancy.” The training materials, first reported by The Wall Street Journal, come in three versions, with Tier One aimed at staff, Tier Two focused on commanders and Tier Three directed at individual units and soldiers.

“Understand that Soldiers who have transitioned gender may remain susceptible to medical conditions associated with their birth gender,” the materials advise.

Soldiers have to accept living conditions with little or no privacy, including in open-bay showers, where women might find themselves bathing alongside “a female who has male genitalia” or vice versa.

“Soldiers must accept living conditions that are often austere, primitive and characterized by little or no privacy,” the slide reads. Commanders can install new privacy features or adjust showering schedules, but no transgender-only spaces are permitted, according to the guidance.

While the Army will pay for a transgender soldier’s gender transition surgery, it won’t provide additional funding to add curtains or shower hooks inside stalls, according to materials labeled “special staff training.”

“Transgender soldiers are not expected to modify or adjust their behavior based on the fact that they do not ‘match’ other soldiers,” one slide in the Tier Three training packet reads. Transgender soldiers will be held to the same standards as others in their claimed gender and will be discharged if medical conditions “related to their gender identity” impede their ability to serve.

In another “vignette,” as the guidance calls them, officers are presented with a scenario involving a soldier transitioning to become female and who is on an Army-prescribed medical plan that includes hormone treatments and is expected to take six months.

“After five months, however, it becomes increasingly difficult for the soldier to meet male body composition standards,” the slide reads. The solution: Commanders are authorized to push back the soldier’s test date or give the soldier extended leave.

The soldier’s medical regime and inability to meet gender-based physical requirements “should be treated as any other medical issues would be treated,” the slide states. “The soldier is responsible to continue to meet all male standards until the gender marker is changed in DEERS,” the personnel records system.

Soldiers are permitted to request an exception to policy and adopt alternative fitness standards to those associated with their official pre-transition gender, the slides say.

Still another vignette describes how a soldier “assigned male at birth” and diagnosed with gender dysphoria, a disqualifying condition under the Trump administration, might have his “medically necessary” gender reassignment surgery disrupted by...

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  1. Forced into a situation where the obvious Truth is Not Allowed to be used to justify not wanting to participate.
    When did America start demanding approval of insanity? How did it manage to get support from the highest level? What is Today the best line on your resume' WAS not long ago total disqualification.
    Being perverted and kinky ?? You're hired! Should Not have been stealing the luggage,,
    How long will America continue down this road?
    Who decided to go down it?
    Did Anyone ASK you?

  2. Remember when mental illness was treated instead of celebrated?
    The chick-brain bullshit has infected near-men soibois and THEY are in the upper reaches of command.
    The US military couldn't fight its way out of a "piss-soaked paper bag" to quote Patton.
    Fucking shitheads.

  3. You don't mess with your national defense. Particularly to pander to the pervert crowd. The bulk of people who sign up to be soldiers come from conservative families - so it's no surprise that recruitment has been going to the dogs. The fruits of this stupidity will come in a future foreign war where American forces get routed.

  4. Sod this. Throw out every gender queer freak in the military. Hell, stop the child care abuse which allows certain groups the ability to use the service as a child rearing system while they take REMF jobs and never get near any combat. Join the military to fight, or don't join at all. And no freaks allowed. Not because you're freaks, but because being such a freak shows your mental state, and your battle buddies will not be able to rely on you when they really have to.

    And if you can't handle this simple truth, you have no right to an opinion of what a military is all about in the first place.

  5. Soldiers have to accept living conditions with little or no privacy, including in open-bay showers, where women might find themselves bathing alongside "a mentally disturbed male"

  6. I have never been in the military but my Dad was in the Marines in WW2 in the Pacific and my Brother in the Army in Vietnam. My wife's family are all Navy and her Dad is now dead. I cannot see the military doing good with Trans people as they also push the pronoun BS, and it will lead to less normal people serving and the US having a problem. It is a good way to eliminate big staging like we have in Germany, Iraq, and South Korea as we will end up having less military.


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