90 Miles From Tyranny : “23 Baltimore Schools Have Zero Students Proficient in Math”

Monday, February 13, 2023

“23 Baltimore Schools Have Zero Students Proficient in Math”

"Another 20 Baltimore City Schools had just one or two students test proficient in math."

After another State of the Union address which promised more education spending, behold what you get for a $1.6 billion budget with $21,000 in per student spending.

Do the math.
The Maryland State Department of Education recently released the 2022 state test results known as MCAP, Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program.

Baltimore City’s math scores were the lowest in the state. Just 7% of third through eighth graders tested proficient in math, which means 93% could not do math at grade level.

But that’s not all. WBFF combed through the scores at all 150 City Schools where the state math test was given. In 23 Baltimore City schools, there were zero students who tested proficient in math.

Among the list of 23 schools, there are 10 high schools, eight elementary schools, three middle/high schools and two elementary/middle schools.

Exactly 2,000 students, in total, took the state math test at these schools. Not one could do math at grade level.

It’s also important to note that another 20 Baltimore City Schools had just one or two students test proficient in math.
I blame systemic racism.

Governor Wes Moore is black, Mayor Brandon Scott is black, as are 10 out of 14 city council members, as is “Dr.” Sonja Santelises who heads the school system, but if the black Memphis cops can be evidence of systemic racism, why not?

The answer is always to spend more money. Here’s what Baltimore is spending.

Baltimore City Schools will be spending about $21,000 per student this year, thanks to a massive education funding increase. Maryland lawmakers passed the bill, known as Kirwan, two years ago. Now that funding is kicking in, the question is whether more taxpayer money will result in better student outcomes.

For this coming school year, City Schools’ budget has ballooned to $1,620,788,542. That’s nearly $230 million more than the previous year’s budget of $1,393,777,695. It amounts to about a 16 percent increase. Enrollment in City Schools is going down and has been for years. So, that’s a lot more money for fewer students.

And worse results, but maybe if we spend $1.6 billion per student, he’ll finally be able to get a...

Read More HERE


  1. Good job public school teachers!!! It doesn't need to be said that if a person operates in that sort of efficacy window the person gets fired. Teachers unions need to be disbanded and disallowed.

  2. GOVERNMENT is the problem. ALL government involvement in education, including the process of STEALING from the rest of society to pay for alternatives, MUST come to an end if there is ever to be accountability. ONLY a fully competitive, private free market in education, consisting of charity schools, homeschools, co-ops, online, business-supported, neighborhood, etc. schools, further backed up with voluntarily-funded scholarships, can ever hope to deliver the responsibility and accountability that EVERY student, parent, and even society requires of this service (yes, its just a service). The answer has been clear for at least 50 years, but even so-called "conservatives" are too addicted to the money that is stolen from their neighbors to pay for their kids' "education" to ever step forward and do what is needed to dissolve the gulag of day prisons that infests this country.

  3. and these bums are going to get out of school and get on welfare or drug dealerships just as soon as they can.

  4. These are Teachers Unions and some of the highest paid for kid in the country yet they do not get taught. If this was an private business and the results were this poor everyone would be fired. The Teachers Unions pay to the Democrat governments and that is in charge of Baltimore and most every poorly run city in the USA.

  5. When I first realized that our education system is at the mercy of the teacher's unions and helped get initiatives on the ballot in CO for vouchers, the money spent per student was around $6500/year.

    Now it's north of $20,000 and grades and SAT scores are way down while classroom violence, CRT and woke BS are up.

    A thoughtful parent wouldn't have their children anywhere near a public school. My mother, divorced, worked as a waitress, getting home after 2am most nights. Some weeks I wouldn't see her until the weekend. The public schools in suburban Chicago were modern & well equipped compared to the small Catholic schools I attended.

    It took many years to appreciate the wisdom of my mom.

  6. I recall as a man in my early 20s hearing someone call for the abolishion of the Dept. Of Education.
    Statistics were thrown around, anecdotal evidence added, "education has gotten worse by all metrics since the agency was created."
    I didn't want to believe it. How could that be? Not possible, I said, I went to public school, I went on to state college, it wasn't that bad....
    My Dad died this summer. Cleaning out his estate, came across old high school stuff. Graduated in 64.
    Let me tell you something as a 48 year old man who has learned and seen a thing or two:
    We need to abolish the Dept. of Education and raise every notion they have ever introduced to the ground and salt that earth, and nuke it from orbit.
    We put men in orbit and on the moon with slide rules, now 3 year olds have to have a tablet of cartoons playing to get through dinner.

  7. MAf is hard and shit


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