90 Miles From Tyranny : Florida Teachers Are Now Hiding Pornography, Grooming And Child Sexualization Books to Avoid Felony Charges

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Florida Teachers Are Now Hiding Pornography, Grooming And Child Sexualization Books to Avoid Felony Charges

Haunting photos show Florida's leftist teachers hiding their classroom child grooming libraries out of fear they’ll face felony charges under the state’s new child pornography and grooming restrictions.

Under a newly signed law in Florida, teachers across the state (and at all grade levels) are required to have all classroom books approved by a “certified media specialist.” Now, teachers in some districts are being instructed to remove entire libraries of books or cover them up so children can actually learn without grooming and child sexualization occurring.

The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports that teachers at all grade levels in the Manatee County School District have been instructed by the district’s chief of staff to remove any grooming, sexual mutilation advocacy and pedophile books, for fear that any teachers found in violation of child protection laws could face felony charges.

The move is in response to Florida governor Ron DeSantis signing HB 1467, which says that all school reading material must be vetted and approved by an appointed education media specialist with the appropriate state certification. The media specialist is tasked with ensuring all classroom books are “free of pornography” and “appropriate for the age level and group.”

The law also states that the Board of Education must train these media specialists to protect children from reading materials with “unsolicited theories that may lead to student indoctrination.”

Teachers told the Herald-Tribune that whether they agree with the law or not, they now have to cut off their students’ access to child grooming from agenda driven teachers.

“If you have a lot of books like I do, probably several hundred, it is not practical to run all of them through (the vetting process) so we have to cover them up,” Don Falls, a history teacher in the Manatee School District, told reporters. “It is not only ridiculous but a very scary attack on fundamental rights.”

Jean Faulk, a history and journalism teacher at Bayshore High, said all that’s left on her classroom shelves are reference books. She was even forced to remove...

This is an except from an article that advocated for grooming children and was corrected.


  1. I would like to see a picture of the teacher and name in the classroom of that second picture.

  2. Just what we need to get the koran and bible out of Florida schools forever.

  3. I taught in public middle and high schools for 19 years.
    Not once did I believe it was necessary to discuss sex in
    the classroom.
    I taught history and geography.
    The only thing remotely resembling talk of sexuality was the discussion of
    Lake Titicaca in the Andes and the country of Djibouti in Africa.

    1. EXACTLY!!!
      Thats what these whack jobs don't get. It doesn't belong in school! Period!
      Your personal life is a topic that is off limits. Math, science, history, then go home and shut the fuck up.

  4. The penalty is not sufficiently onerous. It should be so severe that no teacher would ever dream of having such books in the classroom… just as such freakish literature was a notachanceinamillion 20 years ago. Fire, arrest, prosecute any and every teacher who thinks otherwise. Go Covid Karen on them until they get the message or other normal teachers can be found. This is a war for your child’s mind and soul. Fight!


  5. The link is missing, or at least I do not see it.


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