90 Miles From Tyranny : Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #955

Monday, February 13, 2023

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #955


Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #952


  1. last one - no, assassinated

    1. #headsonspiked

    2. Yeah, wasting perfectly good oxygen on a trial is pointless
      No, really, not trying to usurp the law or constitution, but think about it...
      What is their crime? Lying, they are serial professional liars.
      The proof/evidence is all right there in the open, do you doubt the veracity or authenticity? Of course not.
      Do you think these people will suddenly become honest at their trial? If they pointed the finger at someone else would you trust them, or just assume they were lying again to save their skin?
      A trial merely allows the liar a podium, and a chance at getting off via mistrial or other judicial mis-step.
      Drag the fuckers out in the street and HANG THEM FROM THE NEAREST TALL TREE!!!
      Do you really think any American would wonder, why on earth would someone want to do this to the CDC Director?
      Oh, yeah, right... she killed millions of people. Guess she kinda deserved that, huh?

    3. Nope, Vlad the impaler had it right. Stick 'em on a sharp pole up the wazzoo and listen to them scream for days til death do us part.

  2. Replies
    1. Not just no, but hell no!
      Their bones NEED to swing for months, years even! To be picked clean by the buzzards and ravens as a message to future would be tyrants.
      Children shouldn't be watching drag queen shows and reading pornography in middle school. They should be learning the 1st ten amendments by heart, and a hangmans noose, 13 turns then back through again...

  3. Let them be serve out a life sentence in Uyghur labor camps being tortured, their families disappeared, and having their organs harvested. I bet they would respect American patriotism then...jus sayin'

  4. All those things about the covid shot are science. Unfortunately they're all political science straight from 1930s Germany or the Soviet Union.


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