90 Miles From Tyranny : Visage à trois #1296

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Visage à trois #1296

Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

Three Additional Bonus Videos:

Videos That Are:
  • Usually Short.
  • Usually Timely.
  • Usually Scraped, Gleaned And Pilfered From Social Media.

Visage à trois #280 - Shall Not Be Infringed Edition...


  1. I wonder how much Norfolk Southern gives to democrats...

  2. And how much next week forward?

  3. After just a few minutes of digging, it appears that Norfolk Southern has some history with the people in the Northern US Court District of Ohio. Some kind of labor lawsuit back in 2021.

  4. Dioxin is one of the several extreme hazards created by the decision to burn the chemicals. Dioxin is created from the heat of combustion. Dioxin is not soluable in water however it is soluable in lipids, i.e. fatty tissues of animals and humans. Dioxin is stored in lipids and is transcutenous (absorbed through skin). Consumption of animal and vegetables and grains from the area of contamination (and adjacent to, and downstream) is to be avoided.

    The release of these chemicals into the environment, especially surface water and ground water present an extreme and longlasting hazard to animals and humans. As bad as that is, the decision to burn in place but not contain airborne particles has created more hazards.

    I figure the hazards to animal and human health will be evident for twenty or 30 years in persons alive today. The yet born next two generations will probably exhibit a cluster of health problems. How many acres will the Superfund site involve?
    I think this event, especially the decision to burn in place, will make the ongoing problems of contamination at Camp Lejuene look small in comparison.

    Thank the dumbfucks in local, state, and federal government. They should be dipped in the chemical bath and hung by their toes. Seriously, in this day and age with vast knowledge and experience, this was their best solution?!

    Are we to believe there is no fast team or immediate phone consultation with hazmat agencies specializing in quick emergency response?

  5. Today I watched the OH Governor taking questions from the press.
    I heard a line of questions from am unknown urinalist.

    He was asking about how much water and how much earth contaminated had been removed so far. Curiously, he was asking for these numbers but expressed as percentages.

    That insinuates that only so much contaiminated water or earth is to be removed; that there is a already known finite amount.

    Meanwhile, also said was the waterborne contamination is increasing in area.


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