90 Miles From Tyranny : Antifa Domestic Terrorist Shoots, Critically Wounds Seattle Police Detective

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Antifa Domestic Terrorist Shoots, Critically Wounds Seattle Police Detective

A now-deceased transgender Antifa activist on Monday shot and critically wounded a police detective, Seattle police revealed this week.

The activist, 29-year-old Nathan Stolsig, shot detective David Easterly in the torso after three deputies served Stolsig an eviction notice, the Post Millennial reported. Stolsig, who identified as a transgender woman by the name "Eucytus," belonged to the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), a group that actively encouraged the 2020 BLM-Antifa riots.

The deputies found the suspect dead inside a barricaded apartment, and the King County medical examiner concluded that Stolsig sustained a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Easterly remains hospitalized in critical condition, according to the Post Millenial.

The DSA responded to Stolsig's death in a statement, calling eviction "systemic violence." The DSA seeks to abolish prisons and end "police militarization."

The shooting comes as Antifa rioters armed with explosives wreaked havoc in Atlanta this past January in an anti-police demonstration. Rioters set fire to a police car, damaged businesses, and threw rocks at a police station.

The 2020 BLM riots caused millions of dollars in property damage in Seattle, for which the city reimbursed business owners. Police were temporarily barricaded out of a section of the city known at the time as...

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  1. Served an eviction notice?
    So the perp was squatting rent-free somewheres, the property owner had to hire a lawyer, file paperwork, meet with a judge, wait 90 days...
    Awww, the poor snowflake suicided. Good riddance!

  2. So when the shit comes down and you have to clean up the environment, these types of folks will be easy targets.
    I'm happy that I have access to a 500M range.

  3. Did anyone really think that there would be a different outcome when entitled radicals are not only allowed to commit violence with impunity but, as in Philadelphia, get rewarded for their violence.
    The left will use this episode to further their gun control agenda saying that guns need to be confiscated for the safety of police who are just doing their jobs (well actually the bidding of their elite masters).

  4. If this keeps up too long and starts to seep out into the rest of the country, militarization of the police is the last thing these criminals will need to worry about.
    Joe Sixpack is more heavily armed, less willing to rely on de-escalation techniques in the face of open and obvious threats, and more willing to leave the bodies lying in the gutter.

    1. Yessir, I'm not walking that 500 yards to check your body, just gonna leave it where I dropped it, next to its friends, and drive off.

  5. Hahahaha,,de,,,,? escalate...More willing?,,Dilly,Dilly,,Hahahaha ! Stay thirsty my friends.

  6. Finally found: a good communist in Seattle! Noish!

  7. Suicide by cop. A miracle cure! For that special type of mental illness.

  8. Being Seattle, the family will sue, the city will settle for millions of dollars.

  9. Scam alert: salarycash.


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