90 Miles From Tyranny : Chip Roy Loses It on His Own Party in Fiery Speech, Compares This Moment to Alamo: 'I Am Tired of Words!'

Friday, March 3, 2023

Chip Roy Loses It on His Own Party in Fiery Speech, Compares This Moment to Alamo: 'I Am Tired of Words!'

GOP Texas Rep. Chip Roy is unhappy with how the border crisis is being handled. Given that he’s a conservative in a border state, this is hardly a surprise.

What is surprising is who he’s turning his ire toward: his fellow Republicans, who he says are only offering “words” and not solutions to illegal immigration.

In a Wednesday speech on the floor of the House of Representatives, Roy invoked the specter of the Alamo and urged his colleagues on the right to address the crisis now — lest their voters lose faith in them.

“If you do not secure the border now — now — you are giving up any argument you have for the American people to put their faith in you,” the congressman said in a fiery speech.

The proud Texan also said that the GOP of today paled in comparison to the bravery of their forefathers in the Lone Star State.

“What I am seeing right now from my Republican colleagues does not give me faith that they will stand up in the breach, as did those men who stood on the wall at the Alamo,” Roy said.

“I am tired of words. Things are going to change in this body,” the congressman said.

“If my Republican colleagues believe that they are going to be moving through relatively meaningless provisions, doing precious damn little for the very people who sent us here to change things, and they think that some of us are just going to go along for the ride, they are sorely mistaken. We will not.”

In addition, Roy said that just two months into the 118th Congress, Republicans in the newly retaken House of Representatives have “ran away from actually holding the...

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  1. I think he is right. Almost every repub is either emasculated, or spineless if they call themselves female. It is almost as if they are being paid off to do nothing for their country.

  2. He gave a speech to an empty chamber - perhaps for YouTube exposure. What legislation has he introduced to achieve what he speaks of? Nothing. What specific steps has he taken that his colleagues can either sign on to or not? Nothing. Sounds like a charlatan to me.

  3. "And I'll huff & puff & blow...."

    Lots of smoke, no fire.

    Until Congress fixes the broken elections, nothing will change & we'll never see a Repub president--or any other party in the WH again.

    The ones in Congress know if they do BAU, their jobs of looting Americans, getting drugs, sex & being re-elected will be save.

  4. For far too long, too many RINO-republicans have been bought by lobbyists and corporations weakening immigration laws and policy, speak of endorsing amnesty programs as well; and too many fight for visas, as well. All these monies are sent overseas rather than reinforce an American economy.

    Not too long ago Republicans held both houses of congress and the White House and accomplished nearly nothing to stem the flow of human smuggling and export every illegal alien already present.

  5. As a US citizen I need to see impeachments and removals of Biden and his Admin as they are destroying this country.

  6. When are any of these asshats going to see the inside of a prison cell? Never! The first thing that happens to the freshman legislators is they lose their moral compass. The second thing is that their bank accounts swell exponentially quickly! The third is they learn how to sit on their hands and do a double head fake to look as if something is being accomplished!

  7. How much longer until they become accomplices? Another week, month, year, decade? Seems the proper channels must be followed in order to out the evil fraud. Three years of coerced medical experimentation coupled with imprisoning people in their homes should be more enough to put many thousands in jail across the world. Fraud negates everything that follows even those medical immunity agreements. Trust is the commodity missing and needed for a civil society. I sincerely hope they produce results and quickly, that clock is running.


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