90 Miles From Tyranny : Colorado Police Arrest Transgender Person Who Allegedly Planned to Shoot Up Schools

Friday, April 7, 2023

Colorado Police Arrest Transgender Person Who Allegedly Planned to Shoot Up Schools

A 19-year-old transgender person who allegedly planned to shoot up schools in and around Colorado Springs, Colorado, was arrested March 31.

The news was reported April 6, by Reduxx.

The transgender person, William Whitworth, was born male but now calls himself “Lilly” or “Lily.”

Police came in contact with Whitworth after his sister called to say he was “behaving violently and had made references to school shootings.”

The Gazette reported that police found Whitworth drunk in bed in a room piled high with trash. The charges against him include two counts of “attempted first-degree murder.”

The 18th Judicial District Attorney’s Office’s Eric Ross told the Gazette that “Whitworth is in the process of transitioning to female.”

Breitbart News reported that a 28-year-old transgender person shot and killed three students and three adults at a Christian school in Nashville on March 27. The transgender shooter had three...

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  1. Dudes that want to be chicks. I don't get it. Put away the S.M.A.R.T. phone and the video games. Take a shop class. Buy a fishing pole and a license. Get a dog and train it. Get outdoors and breath some fresh air. Go camping, or hiking or backpacking. Learn how to build a fire and build a shelter. Learn how to kill and dress game. Lift some weights for goodness' sake. How can a dude wake up in the morning and say "Man, I sure wish I was a girl!" What is that? What IS that? I don't get it.

  2. A mentally ill man was arrested in Colorado and was planning on killing multiple innocent people. There is no such thing as transgender. It is a made up term as there is no possible way that a man can transition to be a woman. The word transgender is made up to force people to comply with the delusion. Call things as they are in fact, not in the fantasy of the mentally ill, orwe will next being apologizing to Ted Bundy.

  3. Stop using the language of the enemy. There's no such thing as a "transgender" person -- never has been, and probably never will be. It's just guys pretending to be women and women pretending to be men. If they actually believe it, then they're insane, and if they don't believe it, then they are simply lying, for God only knows what reason. Chopping off body parts and shooting up artificial hormones doesn't change a person from one sex to another.

  4. Too much soy in everything. Soy contains natural estrogens and in mass quantities, is not good for males. So you end up getting soy boys, beta males, and boys who think they are girls.

  5. His sister turned him in and it was the local police that made the bust. I wonder if the FBI would have just provided him with arms? At the very least they would have bought popcorn and waited for him to shoot a school up so they could shake their heads and say "if we only had more laws."

  6. This is the proper heading; "Colorado Police Arrest Mentally Ill Person Who Allegedly Planned to Shoot Up Schools"

  7. Put IT down. IT is broken.


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