90 Miles From Tyranny : Democrats' indictment of Trump is noted abroad -- and the banana republics are having a field day

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Democrats' indictment of Trump is noted abroad -- and the banana republics are having a field day

The Manhattan district attorney's junk indictment of former President Trump has been roundly booed as banana-republic politics even on the Democrat side of the spectrum, as well as the Republican.

And in the real banana republics? The ones that are regularly lectured for their records on human rights and democracy?

They're having a field day.

Get a load of some of these:


And well. who is to argue with him? The U.S. has lost its moral authority to lecture anyone, including dictators, about throwing opposition leaders in jail before elections, on top of holding fraud-filled elections, which some others have noticed. Bukele, who's apparently not a dictator, but definitely on the receiving end of finger-pointing reports about his country's judicial system, reportedly sports a 92% public approval rating.

Not to be outdone, Russia has trolled in:



Again, and who is to argue with them? The banana republic dynamic is obvious.

In Zimbabwe, the indictment was fuel for the actual dictators to go after their own opposition:



Who says the U.S. run by Democrats is no longer a role model?

Zimbabwe's locals, based on a late 2022 post, could only see the similarities between what was happening in the states and what was happening in their own country:



In battered Venezuela, the local response was exactly the same:



Google Translate says:
Fascism has come to America in the name of socialism. Donald Trump is only being arrested because he is the political opponent of the current regime in power. These are the tactics used in Maduro's Venezuela, Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy.
Meanwhile, in Mexico, there's hot talk on Twitter of Mexico giving Trump asylum, based on an article written in 2020, which of course would be pretty ironic:

Read More HERE


  1. I hear nothing from anyone about protecting Trump. Once he is inside of that building it’s all over for him and the United States! If you don’t think for one minute that he won’t be Arkancided then you haven’t thought this thing through. I have heard for two years that the military has his back. Where are they? Trust the plan? What plan? There is no plan besides selling product on these different web blog sites!
    How many stories from the J6ers that tell about the severe beatings? What’s the plan then? The Secret Service will no longer protect him. HAS ANYONE THOUGHT ABOUT ANY OF THIS?

  2. I live in a so-called Banana republic in S.A that the Bidet govt has been calling corrupt. The US of A has the single most corrupt govt in the demoncraps of all the countries in the world, I think.


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