90 Miles From Tyranny : Joe Biden Is Lying About His Policies Igniting a Manufacturing Boom

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Joe Biden Is Lying About His Policies Igniting a Manufacturing Boom

Joe Biden’s claims that his economic agenda has “ignited a new manufacturing boom” is a lie debunked by the economic data, Breitbart Economics Editor John Carney said in a Friday interview on Fox Business Network’s Kudlow.

Fox Business host and former Wisconsin Congressman Sean Duffy, who was filling in for Kudlow host Larry Kudlow, played a clip of Biden’s remarks last month in Wisconsin, where the president claimed: “Our economic agenda has ignited a new manufacturing boom.”

The economic data does not back up the president’s claims, Carney explained.

“We’re not just losing manufacturing jobs. Manufacturing output in the United States has been contracting for at least five months,” Carney said. “The manufacturing sector is probably one of two sectors in the United States right now that’s actually in a recession, the housing market being the other one. The housing market is actually starting to bounce back.”

He added that we see no similar signs of a recovery in manufacturing.

“We just see further deterioration in manufacturing,” he said. “And, of course, we’re shedding jobs in it. We’re producing a lot less. Month after month output is going down. And we’re going to continue to shed jobs in manufacturing. Joe Biden is just lying when he tells people we’re in a manufacturing boom.”SUBSCRIBE

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Carney noted in Thursday’s Breitbart Business Digest that the housing market does indeed show signs of a recovery:

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  1. Headline could have been shortened and then applied to any story about Biden: Joe Biden Is Lying.

  2. joe biden is lying. in other news, there are 24 hours in a day

  3. Pedo Joe can't wipe the drool from his chin. Hes only a dottering compliant puppet.
    Notice how they've moved the halfrican from the country? Somethings about to go down.

  4. You scam and spam this platform just shows you would scam anybody interested (and there isn't any)

  5. Pedo/ChinaJoe has to lie. Nobody could run on the record he has. Of course, that was true before 2020 also, but then he didn’t run any more than he was actually elected.

  6. He’s not lying.
    He’s talking specifically about fentanyl manufacturing - waaaay up, thanks to Pretendident Biden.


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