90 Miles From Tyranny : LGBT activist teacher arrested for allegedly raping 16-year-old student

Thursday, April 20, 2023

LGBT activist teacher arrested for allegedly raping 16-year-old student

Hey, sure we have teachers pushing LGBT politics on young kids and teaching them about sex acts and changing their sex starting in kindergarten. But how DARE you insinuate that teachers who push sex politics are grooming children!

That could NEVER happen!
So here we have this teacher from Boise, Idaho.

A 59-year-old man, Eric McDermott, who was arrested in a case involving rape and sexual battery on a minor in high school.

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times:

Read More HERE


  1. Homos, lesbians should NEVER , under any circumstance, be allowed near our children.

    1. And in a better, healthier culture they wouldn't. But we are not in one of those, because RAYSIS!!1!

  2. What a shocker. Homos raping kids. "It will be worse for such as these than it was for Sodom and Gomorrah on The Day of Judgement".

  3. They fail to mention in almost all instances it's male teachers assaulting young boys.

    1. I'd say it's about 50-50, from what I see in the news.

  4. Well,the parents and handle this quite quickly with the judicious applicatin of lead.

  5. Isn't this the history of the Boy Scouts of America?
    The Boy Scouts had a rule that disallowed gays from being Pack Masters.
    They got sued mightily, and had to allow gays become Pack Masters.
    So, many kids were abused, sexually, and of course sued the BSA.
    The BSA lost so many of these suits they've essentially gone bankrupt.

    From Bing AI:
    The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is being sued by thousands of abuse survivors who allege that they were sexually abused by scout masters and BSA volunteers in the past decades. The BSA filed for bankruptcy protection in February 2020 to end the litigation and establish a settlement trust for the victims. In July 2021, the BSA reached an $850 million settlement with tens of thousands of plaintiffs, the largest in a child sexual abuse case in U.S. history.


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