90 Miles From Tyranny : Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1026

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1026


Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1023


  1. The last one?? What is it about the word "based" that sets the wokies all a-tremble?
    Real question, because I truly don't know.

    1. Based is used when someone is being unbiased, someone you agree with. It is used more by conservatives agreeing with other conservatives than liberals agreeing with liberals. Anything applied to conservatives over liberals is an "extremest marker".

  2. Same here...don't understand why based is a trigger word. Context pls?

  3. Face it, folks; what we're seeing here is a repeat of Hitler's Germany... and we're the Jews... I say "Go ahead. Demonize us. One thing's for certain; you WON'T see ME getting on one of those trains!"

  4. PeteF if you wore the covid mask your seat on the train is already reserved.


  5. Based isn’t a trigger word, it’s a useful identifying phrase. It’s reliably used by people that oppose the goals of what passes for a government here in the US.

    The agencies monitoring electronic communications look for the phrase to identify people who may need to be monitored.

  6. Slightly off topic, but Riley Gains is really a lovely young woman.


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