90 Miles From Tyranny : Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1034

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1034



  1. Is that Coke one for real?

    1. Believe it or not, yes it is.

      Coke: "Try to be less white."

      Me: "No. I'll just stop drinking Coke..."

      I'm white. I REFUSE to be less than I am!

    2. Yes it is. Summer 2021 cans if I remember right

  2. The press is putting Tim Scott on the pedestal , because he's black. And liberal.

  3. "Try to be less White"? Shouldn't white people be able to go tanning salons for free? Or would it be considered white privilege?

  4. Coke: Don't care, stopped drinking soda entirely in 2018.

    Twitter: Leftists still somehow believe that they can just puke out any falsehood that bolsters their narrative and never be called on it.

    NPR: ALL of "Public broadcasting" has been an irrelevant leftist echo chamber for at least 5 decades. They have no conservative audience, fucking zero, and they are busy non-stop alienating what remains of their moderate audience. Editorial independence? Credibility? What a joke. Conservatives know where to get actual news and all the leftists that lap up mainstream media know damn well it's propaganda, but they love it anyway 'cause it gives them the daily validation dopamine rush that keeps their miserable asses from jumping off the nearest bridge.

  5. I wrote a personal letter to the Coke CEO personally thanking him for helping me quit a decades long consumption of soda products.

  6. Sick of this whole thing.

  7. Meanwhile Ford has declared that they are phasing out AM Radios in thier vehicles.
    AM Radio is dominated by non woke voices.
    Fuck them all.
    Repair your old vehicles and appliances, plant a garden, raise your own meat or find some independent farmer you can trust, drink water, teach your kids self sufficiency.

    1. Great list, one more thing, practice “Irish Democracy”. Oh and learn to live like we did in the 70s, leave the cell phone on your counter.

  8. That WH whistleblower stenographer will be Seth Riched shortly.



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