90 Miles From Tyranny : DRUDGE: 'Cancer rates climbing among young people. It's not clear why...'

Monday, June 19, 2023

DRUDGE: 'Cancer rates climbing among young people. It's not clear why...'

Ok, I will tell you why! "It's the vaccine, stupid, it's the vaccine, the Malone, Kariko, Weissman et al. mRNA technologybased gene injection vaccine (Pfizer etc.), it's the spike protein, stupid, it's the spike protein! Just like Slick Willie's 'it's the economy, stupid!; rapid aggressive TURBO cancers, all forms!

The debate is the rise started in year 2000 or so yet I argue now plot the data from 2021 onwards and let us compare to prior years!

You write garbage trying all how to avoid the 10,000 pound elephant in the room, yet I am not constrained, it’s the vaccine, you morons, it’s the vaccine and you know it! You are seeing the surge now post vaccine yet trying to talk about the last 30 years. Let us focus on the dramatic surge of all forms and very aggressive cancers in the last 2 years in the advent of the fraud COVID vaccine, where from diagnosis to death in some cases it is a mere days!

Read More HERE


  1. I don’t know what to say to these deniers. Those of us who made the effort learned about the dangers of the spike proteins from the virus and from the vaccines months before the jabs were available. How they would spread throughout the body, how covid was actually a blood disease impacting hemoglobin/ oxygen transport, how the mRNA would cause clots, cancers, sudden death, etc. Not only was all if this info publicly available, there were thousands who knew trying to get the millions to listen, but to no avail. I’m sorry you’re dying, that your health is ruined. You shut us out, silenced us, ostracized us. And you still won’t face the truth. “Turbo cancer”? Never heard of that in all of history. No, “correlation is not causation”; not always. But it is this time. And we rang the alarm bell day and night but you filled your ears with clay. And hated us for preaching “disinformation”.

  2. The intuitive warnings were not enough for the throngs of easily persuaded disaster-seekers were they? The questions in the minds of every one of the elite and the influencers were stifled before being asked. The rest of us tried to tell them, we tried to lead by example and we made every attempt to be reasonable and logical about it. What did they do? They screamed at us in public, they shamed and ridiculed. They called the cops, the puppets of the elite, and damned us with high-minded shrill lecturing.
    Nothing we can do for them now.
    But the lesson is learned.


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