90 Miles From Tyranny : Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1171

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1171


Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1169


  1. Thanks Mike - pretty powerful stuff

  2. Guess I was the exception to all that data above. I was a single mother. I was on welfare purposefully so that I could be both parents effectively as possible. Now my girls are 36 and 42. The younger is in a forever marriage with a successful man and gorgeous children; they are a very stable family.

    The other just completed her PhD with no student loans leftover and has the work she wanted and worked towards. She too is in a very completing relationship with a good man. I was blessed with good material to work with but you have to work real hard to be a good parent. I look back now and wonder where the energy came from to do it all but I managed ... the price was/is worth it completely.

  3. Where are the sheriffs? Why do you refuse to arrest those who helped steal an election? Have you been threatened or are you just yellow spineless cowards? I vote that you are yellow spineless cowards. All of the information and proof is waiting for you. I know it’s easier to pull over an American citizen and beat them into a coma or shoot them dead. Do you your damn jobs!


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