90 Miles From Tyranny : Time For House GOP To Drop Everything And Target Merrick Garland

Monday, June 12, 2023

Time For House GOP To Drop Everything And Target Merrick Garland

All the things that Americans are coping with thanks to Joe Biden’s complete horror of a presidency are important, but if House Republicans don’t drop all of it right now to aggressively target the attorney general, then none of it matters and they should all jump off a cliff.

Seriously. Merrick Garland, Biden’s head of the nation’s premier law enforcement agency, just chose to seek prison time for a former president, the man right now most likely to face off with the current president in 2024.

The magnitude of the situation isn’t dependent on a conviction or acquittal. It rests on whether the indictment is legitimized at all. And by doing nothing, House Republicans will have sent the message that there’s nothing to do but watch — watch as your democracy crumbles to ashes and blows away with their absolute indifference.

In that scenario, nothing separates us from Cuba. Or in terms that Democrats can understand, nothing separates us from RUSSIA, YOU PUTIN SOCK SNIFFERS!

If House Republicans play this game of “let’s see what the facts say” and “there will be blowback if we overreach,” then it’s over. When Democrats were in power, they impeached a sitting president twice, sued to secure his personal tax returns, and brought in a slew of witnesses to embarrass him in televised hearings without batting an eye. The bare minimum Republicans can do now is impeach Merrick Garland for attempting to throw a leading presidential candidate in jail over a records-keeping issue.

Yeah, historical government records are important and if Trump had things in his possession that weren’t his, the government was in its right to retrieve them. There’s a legal and lawyerly process for that. But initial news reports indicate that the Justice Department is throwing the book at him over classified documents Trump retained, something his vice president, former President Obama, and Joe Biden himself have done.

There are apparently also charges related to obstruction and conspiracy. Those are charges that Hillary Clinton never faced, even though her set-up of a private email server to conduct government business, which she wiped clean after leaving office as secretary of state, was by definition obstruction and conspiracy. The sitting director of the FBI said at the time that Clinton was “extremely careless” in handling government secrets. No indictment.

By every measure, Merrick Garland has corrupted his office in the persecution of a prominent political opponent who is actively campaigning to unseat Garland’s boss. Garland’s entire tenure has reeked of retribution for having been denied a Supreme Court seat in 2016. He has claimed that white supremacy is the foremost domestic threat to America, by which he means “Trump supporters.” He has directed his department to harass concerned parents who show up at school board meetings. And while he chases down pro-life activists exercising their First Amendment rights, he does nothing to actual domestic terrorists waging a violent war against pro-life pregnancy clinics.

Nobody needs to see House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Fox News confessing what a scandal it is, or how outraged Americans should be. The Oversight Committee should be dragging in Justice Department officials for hearings, investigating Justice Department communications with...

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  1. Won't happen, rinos are just window dressing for controlled opposition.

  2. Oh please, they'll come after you and I but Garland, lol.. The Republic is dead..

  3. Sure...........when hell freezes over.

  4. Garland, a petty man, is exacting his revenge on the parties and groups he feel are responsible for his not getting confirmed to the Supreme Court. Thereby proving his unworthiness and unsuitability for that appointment in the first place.

  5. I see Captain Obvious(J Jordan) isn't happy with the indictment.

    So there's that.

  6. Time for one patriot to act.

  7. How many of you have written letters to your elected reps? How often? How recently?
    How many of you have written e-mails, made phone calls, actually showed in person at district office of your elected reps?
    How often? How recently?

    There's the problem. One by one by one, each saying it doesn't work, it doesn't matter. That is how the Republic dies. Asphyxiated by apathy.

    I did write letters, I did send e-mail, I did make phone calls to offices in district and D.C.
    I did show up to district offices, to meet & greets, to ribbon cutting ceremonies and that sort of tom foolery. I did show up.

    To be honest, the results of near twenty years of effort were woefully unsatisfactory. But I do believe I was instrumental in getting one to decide to drop out of running for reelection. This short months after he announced his reelection campaign. I got one to drop his co-sponsorship of a bad bill.

    1. But the biggest effect of my campaign was to be noticed. I began receiving e-mails and mail from citizen groups asking that I sign a petition or some such thing. I even got a few phone calls, not to promote something but to ask my opinion. I guess they got my information from representative's contact logs.

      (This started before the now ubiquitous mass e-mails asking to sign petitions.)

      The results were amazing. And it pissed me off. I felt it is I, the constituent, not some group, who should get that kind of response. But it gets response.

      Imagine if everyone did that. That is exacty how this Constitutional Republic is meant to work.

      But as the Republic whithers, I'll blame every last apathetic asshole too lazy to engage in their civic duty. Go stand in the mirror and ask yourself what are you doing? Be honest at least to answer that question as you look at yourself in the mirror.

    2. Oh, now I remember. Twice, in two different towns I was asked to run for a seat on town council. Because I was informed but mostly because of my conservative opinion. The People long for conservative voices. Get noticed, get moving.

    3. Wow! Look at you go on with yer virtue signaling! Woohoo! Yer makin’ a difference!

    4. I suspected one of the more dense would think just as you have.
      The point, which you missed by a mile, is each person to get busy doing something of significance. Don't like what is happening? Do something to change it.
      Imagine if even 10 million did so. Even one million actively, insistently set out to do something would push things to happen.

      But sit smug in your superiority for having called me out. Wow, you rock. Go watch some more videos and be sure to carp about everything wrong.

  8. Wake me up when something actually happens.

    They’ll huff and they’ll puff and threaten to blah blah blah.

    Giant meteor impact is looking better all the time.


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